[TransWarp] Domain model objects as utilities?
John Landahl
john at landahl.org
Fri Oct 17 18:55:01 EDT 2003
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 17:34:57 -0400, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com>
> I would remind you, however, that Element is designed to be a base class
> for (persistent) domain model objects, and also note that I don't
> understand why/how you would ever have 1) a singleton form of such, and
> 2) use it as a utility.
My application is an automated configuration management system for large
networks of hosts. Within the client-side program there is one
model.Element-based Host object representing the correct configuration of
the system, which is used as the reference for all specific configuration
actions such as partitioning disks, installing packages, managing files,
etc. All managed items are represented as model objects as well, so each
Host may have a number of Partition, Package, File, Process, and other
such objects that maintained using peak.model references.
So for this purpose the one Host object needs to be singleton-ish. Up to
now I've been creating it at the top-level application object and offering
it out from there. That's worked fine, but I'd like the various
Component-based classes which do all the work to be pluggable, so was
experimenting with [Provide Utilities]. Loading the classes manually in
the application object from values in an .ini file would probably be fine
-- would importObject be the thing to use there?
> Are you sure you don't want to have a service component that's
> responsible for retrieving the instance? Like for example, a DM? The
> DM can also be responsible for loading the object's state, since that's
> what DM's are for. :)
Client programs are not allowed direct database access, so I only use DMs
on the server side. On the client side the Host object is initially
populated from a Cheetah template (which allows users a high-level,
template-driven way to specify configurations), but updates to the model
are received periodically from the server and loaded into the appropriate
place. This allows client-side data to initially be practically null if
desired, with all information coming from a central source, or exactly the
opposite depending on local policy.
> Actually, it's because [Provide Utilities] happens in the configuration
> root, and when created they bind to the root as their parent, so it's
> impossible for something created in [Provide Utilities] to see offerings
> made in your application component.
That's what I suspected was happening.
> If you need them all to collaborate, then your top-level application
> class is probably the best way. Ultimately, [Provide Utilities] is
> there to provide system-wide, framework-provided defaults, while still
> allowing local overrides. I've yet to see an application in my own use
> that wasn't better served by providing utilities from its application
> class.
Like I said, this is how I've been doing it up to now, mainly with
ZConfig. But I've been thinking that configurations for tool classes
would be better suited in an .ini file -- these are things like, e.g. the
location of the 'sfdisk' command, the template for its use (actually,
sfdisk will probably be Cheetah-based), the template for using RPM to
install a package, etc. Rather than something like:
install rpm -i %(package)s
something more like:
package = importObject("foo.tools.RPMPackageTool")
install = "rpm -i %(package)s"
remove = "rpm -e %(package)s"
And then the application object would go through the possible "foo.tools"
entries and Obtain each of the objects, re-offering them with the
appropriate interface (e.g. IPackageManagerTool). Using .ini files also
means they'll still be available as e.g. "foo.tools.package" if that seems
to be appropriate somewhere.
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