[PEAK] peak.running.logging

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Nov 27 16:16:16 EST 2003

At 03:27 PM 11/27/03 -0500, Victor Ng wrote:
>Where does the "storage.AddContact" go?  In fact, what is it used for?
>I was under the impression that it's a logical name for a logger and it 
>should show up in the log messages.

I just realized I didn't actually answer all your questions here.

It is a logical name for a logger.  It's used to *find* a logger.  So you 
can do, e.g:

storage.* = (some expression describing where storage.something logs go)
foo.bar = (some expression describing where foo.bar logs go)

The intention is that in application-level or sitewide configuration files, 
administrators can set filtering levels and locations for logfiles of 
different categories.

In principle, it's possible this information could show up in logs.  In 
fact, it might be a really good idea for it to.  Right now, there's no way 
for a logger to even *know* that it's the 'foo.bar' logger, because that's 
just a key used to get at it.

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