[TransWarp] Segfault in Once.c:473 (after modifications for thread-safety)

Ulrich Eck ueck at net-labs.de
Tue Mar 4 08:29:37 EST 2003

hi Phillip,

i just checked out the latest cvs files and now i get a segfault
when running the tests:

I'm using linux-2.4 with python-2.2.2

gdb says the following:
not copying src/peak/peak.ini (output up-to-date)
not copying src/peak/running/tests/test_cluster.txt (output up-to-date)
not copying src/peak/metamodels/tests/MetaMeta.xml (output up-to-date)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 6025)]
__pyx_f_21__attrName_Descriptor___get__ (__pyx_v_self=0x8317498, __pyx_arg_obj=0x838e214, __pyx_arg_typ=0x835913c)
    at src/peak/binding/_once.c:473
473       Py_INCREF(__pyx_2);

as i'm absolutly no C-coder .. i'll probably not able to find the reason of
this segfault.

can you look into this .. or tell me if you  need more detailed information ??


Ulrich Eck
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH
Ebersberger Str. 46
85570 Markt Schwaben
fon:   +49-8121-4747-11
fax:   +49-8121-4747-77
email: ueck at net-labs.de

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