[TransWarp] PROPOSAL: New peak.web.template terminology/explanation

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Jul 21 20:27:37 EDT 2003

At 04:38 PM 7/21/03 -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>   xmlns:show="http://peak.telecommunity.com/peak.web.templates/"
>   show:data="tabulardata"
>   show:as="list"
> >
><tr show:format="listItem">
>    <td class="oddrow" show:as="text">Odd row</td>
><tr show:format="listItem">
>    <td class="evenrow" show:as="text">Even row</td>
>    <td class="oddrow">Sample data, as much as needed</td>
>    <td class="evenrow">for a realistic mockup.</td>

One possible (minor) refinement:

<tr show:format-of="listItem">

It's a bit more explanatory (this tag is the "format of" a "listItem").  Of 
course, it also conflicts with "show" as a prefix.  And I'm not sure it's a 
usability improvement.

I'm almost tempted to add a "vocabulary" component into TemplateParser so 
as to make it easier for people to use different attribute names, but that 
way lies madness.  :)

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