[TransWarp] announcing COMRack (alternative ZPatterns Rack implementation)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Feb 28 17:23:22 EST 2003

At 10:59 PM 2/28/03 +0100, Christian Scholz wrote:

>I just released COMRack, a new rack implementation for ZPatterns which does
>not need ZClasses anymore. Thus it should make SQL based apps a bit easier
>to write as you don't have to maintain the corresponding ZClass.

I think this would probably be of more interest on the ZPatterns list; 
there are a number of people there who aren't focused on TransWarp or PEAK 
who would probably find the information useful.  And ZPatterns, except as 
it pertains to TW or PEAK, is off-topic for this list.  Thanks.

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