[TransWarp] memory leak in peak.running

alexander smishlajev alex at ank-sia.com
Fri Aug 22 15:01:20 EDT 2003


the following script is leaking memory:

=== begin cut Test.py ===
from peak.api import binding
from peak.running import commands, daemons, interfaces

class Test(commands.AbstractCommand, daemons.AdaptiveTask):

     mainLoop = binding.bindTo(interfaces.IMainLoop)

     def run(self):

     usage = """Usage:
         peak import:Test.Test

     runEvery = .001

     tick = 0

     def getWork(self):
         return 1

     def doWork(self, job):
         self.tick +=1
         if (self.tick %100) == 0:
             print "tick!"
==== end cut Test.py ====

tested on windows 2000 and linux 2.4.18 (redhat clone) with the latest 
PEAK snapshot.

best wishes,

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