[TransWarp] Whoops...
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Apr 15 18:37:36 EDT 2003
At 06:13 PM 4/15/03 -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>* PEAK now has dependencies to Twisted. This isn't such a big deal, since
>it's only for the parts we need, and only from daemons and Zope X3
>publishing. We can define our own interfaces for the parts we need, and
>wrap all our contact with Twisted into a PEAK component, set up as a
>utility available via 'peak.ini'.
Aaargh... I forgot to check Twisted's license. It's
LGPL. Blecchh. That's not nearly as big of an issue as GPL would be, but
it's still a pain. Not for PEAK as such, since PEAK wouldn't fall under
its terms if we don't distribute Twisted with it. But a commercial
application built with PEAK that used Twisted would wind up with the LGPL
section 6 obligations... specifically, inclusion of Twisted's copyright
notice (with any software-displayed copyright notices), granting the user
permission to modify the system, and one of the 5 acceptable ways to ensure
the user has access to source and ability to modify the library as used
with the commercial application. (Technically, this latter part is
automatically accomplished if the Twisted modules are installed as normal,
replaceable files, or even as a 'twisted.zip' file for Python 2.3, since
Python's import process could then be considered a "suitable shared library
mechanism" under section 6b.)
I don't think these three things are unbearable requirements, for a single
and immense library like Twisted that is also distributed separately and
used for a clearly delineated subset of PEAK applications. But I thought I
should bring this up for the community to comment on, as appropriate.
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