[TransWarp] Re: PROPOSAL: Rename "TransWarp" itself

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Jul 16 10:28:54 EDT 2002

At 12:50 AM 7/10/02 -0700, Christopher White wrote:

>The problem with "Python Enterprise Application Toolkit" is that connotes 
>software and a specific library at that. For such an important endevour by 
>contrast, both Sun and Microsoft bring to the table branding--not just 
>product branding but conceptual branding. They portray the brand as a Way, 
>a Path to realization. For the quasi-religious programmer mind, this is a 
>potent stuff. For the technical manager/decision maker, this is a simple 
>message easily transmitted.
>The Python space suffers some from a lack of conceptual brands. There are 
>some, however. Python is itself one, Zope another, and Twisted seems to be 
>gathering steam. But for the most part, the extended Python environment is 
>littered with bits and pieces--libraries, snippets, and scripts.
>For your endeavor I would call it simply "PythonEnterprise" and use your 
>new name as the slug line. Continue to refer to software specifics and the 
>root package as PEAK or peak as the case may be. But give yourself the 
>space to expand the potential connotations that the words "Java" and 
>".NET" do in the imagination of IT and the programming world at large.

Thanks for the comments; sorry I didn't reply sooner; since you sent just 
to me and not to the list, your message ended up buried deep in the bowels 
of my inbox.  :)

I think that "Python Enterprise" needs to be a larger movement than just 
PEAK.  Zope is a part, and other Python efforts like the new Persistence 
(and Transactions) SIG have a role to play as well.  In this context, I see 
PEAK as the "Python Enterprise" Application Kit, being a single entity that 
plays well with other "Python Enterprise" systems like Zope.

So although I agree with your thoughts in general, I think as they 
specifically apply to PEAK, it's far too ambitious a claim for PEAK to 
declare itself "Python Enterprise".  That's a much bigger brand than PEAK 
is really aiming to be, even if it'll encompass much of the practical 
delivery of that vision.

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