[TransWarp] First attempt to use the storage package in
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Dec 24 14:11:08 EST 2002
At 11:19 AM 12/24/02 +0200, Roché Compaan wrote:
>Hi Philip
>Here is my first quick attempt to use the storage package in PEAK.
>Creating new instances work fine but loading and saving doesn't work
>yet. My use of the binding package is still a shot in the dark. Can you
>maybe comment on the way I used the various parts of PEAK below:
>from peak.storage.SQL import MySQLConnection
>from peak.api import storage
>from peak.api import binding, model
>from peak.model.datatypes import String
Sure. These classes:
>class Address:
> server = binding.requireBinding('server')
> db = binding.requireBinding('db')
> user = binding.requireBinding('user')
> passwd = binding.requireBinding('passwd')
>class ContactsDB(MySQLConnection):
> __implements__ = storage.ISQLConnection
> address = Address()
> address.server = 'localhost'
> address.db = 'Contacts'
> address.user = 'roche'
> address.passwd = 'mypasswd'
are unnecessary and can be deleted. I'll show you how, later on below.
>class Contact(model.Element):
> Name = binding.New(String)
> Surname = binding.New(String)
> HomePhone = binding.New(String)
> WorkPhone = binding.New(String)
> Email = binding.New(String)
class Contact(model.Element):
class Name(model.Field):
referencedType = String
class Surname(model.Field):
referencedType = String
But it isn't actually necessary for you to do all that; if you don't care
about any of the special capabilities provided by 'peak.model' bases and
metaclassses, you can just subclass Persistence.Persistent and be done with it.
Also, 'peak.model' has a significant refactoring pending, and it's not well
documented. For the time being, you may not want to bother with it. But
if you want examples of its use, look at:
peak.metamodels.uml.MetaModel, and
More or less in that order, with the caveat that MOF131 is untested and
might contain errors, or that it might have code that depends on
refactorings in 'peak.model' that haven't actually been done yet. :)
>class ContactDM(storage.EntityDM):
> defaultClass = Contact
> attrs = ['Name', 'Surname', 'HomePhone', 'WorkPhone', 'Email']
> DBConn = binding.bindTo(storage.ISQLConnection)
Replace the line above with:
DBConn = binding.bindTo("mysql://roche:mypasswd@localhost/Contacts")
This suffices to instantiate a MySQLConnection. You also don't need to
import MySQLConnection. This is one of the things that the naming system
is for. :)
> def defaultState(self, ob):
> state = {}
> for attr in self.attrs:
> state[attr] = ''
> return state
> def load(self, oid, ob):
> print "load"
> result = self.DBConn('SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE oid=%s'%oid)
> state = {}
> for r in result:
> for attr in self.attrs:
> value = getattr(r, attr)
> state[attr] = value
> return state
Another way to specify the above is:
def load(self, oid, ob):
return dict(
(~self.DBConn('SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE oid=%s' % oid)).items()
Two things are happening here... first the '~' means you want exactly one
row from the result. If there are more or fewer, an exception will be
raised. Second, database result rows support a mapping interface,
including items(), keys(), etc. So you could also write:
def load(self, oid, ob):
state = {}
for r in self.DBConn('SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE oid=%s'%oid):
for attr in self.attrs:
state[attr] = r[attr]
return state
Anyway, there's several ways to skin this cat. If you knew that the
columns were in the same order as the 'attrs' list, you could do:
def load(self, oid, ob):
row = ~ self.DBConn('SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE oid=%s'%oid)
return dict(zip(self.attrs, row))
Which would pair each self.attrs value with its corresponding column value.
> def new(self, ob):
> print "new"
> sql = "INSERT INTO Contact (%s) VALUES (" % ','.join(self.attrs)
> values = []
> for attr in self.attrs:
> values.append('"%s"' % getattr(ob, attr))
I'd recommend '%r' instead of '%s', or that you otherwise do the necessary
SQL quoting on the attribute value, in case it contains quotes.
> sql += ','.join(values) + ")"
> self.DBConn(sql)
> # get new oid
> sql = """SELECT MAX(oid) FROM Contact"""
> for r in self.DBConn(sql):
> return r[0]
I should remind you that doing a SELECT MAX() is subject to race conditions
in a multi-process environment.
> def save(self, ob):
> sql = "UPDATE Contact SET "
> sql_where = "oid = %s" % ob._p_oid
> values = []
> for attr in self.attrs:
> value = getattr(ob, attr)
> values.append('%s = "%s"' % (attr, value))
> sql += ','.join(values)
> sql += sql_where
> self.DBConn(sql)
Looks fine.
Replace these next few lines...
>db = ContactsDB()
>myDM = ContactDM()
>myDM.DBConn = db
with just:
myDM = ContactDM()
The rest will happen automatically.
># Create a new instance
>ni = myDM.newItem()
>ni.Name = 'John'
>ni.Surname = 'Smith'
>ni.HomePhone = '888 0000'
>ni.WorkPhone = '999 0000'
>ni.Email = 'john at smith.com'
Looks good, but that should be 'storage.begin(myDM)', not 'ContactDM'. You
want the *instance* to join the transaction, not the class.
Since your code is using only a single global transaction, you can also
simplify to just 'storage.begin()' and 'storage.commit()', since passing
the DM in isn't going to cause it to find a different transaction service.
># Retrieve and modify existing instance with oid=1
>ni = myDM.preloadState(1)
ni = myDM[1]
The "preloadState()" method is not for this purpose. Use __getitem__ to
retrieve objects. 'preloadState()' is for collaboration with query
DMs. Consider a report that is a contact list. You want to do a select to
get a lot of contacts, but if you work with the individual contact objects,
you have to select again. 'preloadState()' allows you to bypass this, by
having the query DM pass preloaded rows to the entity DM. So if you had a
ContactList query DM, when it selects multiple rows, it can call
ContactDM.preloadState() with an 'oid' and a usable 'state'. If the object
is in cache, its state is updated, or if not, a fresh ghost is created and
loaded with the state. In this way, you can mass load objects into the
cache, or load them one at a time as you iterate through the rows of a
reporting query.
># I would have thought that the object will get loaded here but it
># doesn't. If I call print ni.HomePhone before assigning to it the load
># method on the DM does get called.
Right. That's because you didn't pass a state to 'preloadState()'. In any
case, __getitem__ doesn't preload the state, and that's what you should use.
Lazy loading in this fashion is a big advantage for relational
models. Let's say that Contacts were associated with a Department. When I
load the state for the Contact, I could say something like:
state['Department'] = self.DepartmentDM[row.departmentID]
The department object will not actually be loaded yet, until you need to
touch it. This is good because a department might have a parent department
and so on, and maybe a document repository, or various other things. You
don't want your entire database to get loaded in order to look at just one
object. :)
Anyway, this lazy-load model is not restricted to PEAK. It's standard for
ZODB persistence and has been in Zope since the beginning. And ZPatterns
implements it too, but on a per-attribute basis. PEAK mostly follows the
ZODB pattern of loading the object's state all at once, but it also
supports LazyLoader objects which can be used to load selected attributes
even later than "object state load" time.
>ni.HomePhone = '777 0000'
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