[TransWarp] On Messaging

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Aug 25 20:28:09 EDT 2002

At 01:10 PM 8/23/02 -0500, Benji_York at cknainc.com wrote:

>"""This is a Python extension module for Spread, an open source group
>communications package. The extension module was written by PythonLabs,
>primarily Jeremy Hylton, Guido van Rossum and Tim Peters. It is released
>under the standard PSF open source license."""
>I've looked at Spread once or twice, it looks pretty powerful.

Yep, it is.  But it's not a messaging system, in the sense that is desired 
for PEAK.  It can, however, be used to build part of one.  Most likely, 
Spread will be used as part of a lock management system for PEAK's 
messaging and persistence facilities; I've already done some prototyping 
work in that direction.

PEAK's persistence API's will probably have some sort of locking and/or 
"put/take" capability for adding/removing persistent objects from a shared 
data space.  Message queues are a subset of what can be done with such a 
mechanism.  By allowing storage in any back-end, as long as it's in 
conjunction with a suitable lock manager, this will keep us from having to 
develop a separate encoding mechanism for messages.

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