[TransWarp] Re: Problem with TW

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Oct 24 13:34:10 EDT 2001

I would recommend you add your Zope's lib/python directory to your Python 
path; It sounds as though the version of the Interface package you're using 
isn't up-to-date enough.  Also, although the TW core will work without 
ExtensionClasses, the test suite currently *does* require 
ExtensionClasses.  You also need to be using a Zope 2.4.x release, for 
compatibility with Python 2.1.

At 10:09 AM 10/24/01 -0600, Tim Stewart wrote:
>   Python 2.1
>   Windows 2000
>I installed Interface-0.4.0 (and renamed the directory to Interface) to my 
>C:\Python21 dir.
>I installed kjbuckets0.py and renamed it to kjbuckets.py (in my 
>C:\Python21 dir)
>I installed the TW package in my C:\Python21 dir
>I then ran python unittest.py TW.tests.suite and got the following:
>Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
>(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
>c:\>cd python21
>C:\Python21>cd lib
>C:\Python21\Lib>python unittest.py TW.tests.suite
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "unittest.py", line 711, in ?
>    main(module=None)
>  File "unittest.py", line 662, in __init__
>    self.parseArgs(argv)
>  File "unittest.py", line 689, in parseArgs
>    self.createTests()
>  File "unittest.py", line 695, in createTests
>    self.module)
>  File "unittest.py", line 457, in loadTestsFromNames
>    suites.append(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module))
>  File "unittest.py", line 442, in loadTestsFromName
>    test = obj()
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\tests\__init__.py", line 12, in suite
>    import Aspects, SOX, StructuralModel
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\tests\Aspects.py", line 3, in ?
>    from TW.Aspects import *
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\Aspects.py", line 12, in ?
>    from TW.Features import _DefaultFeatureMap, ClassFeature
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\Features.py", line 124, in ?
>    isFeatureDef = FeatureWeaving.isImplementedBy
>AttributeError: Interface instance has no attribute 'isImplementedBy'
>In Features.py, I changed:
>isFeatureDef = FeatureWeaving.isImplementedBy
>isFeatureDef = FeatureWeaving.implementedBy
>Assuming that was a "fix", I ran the unit test  again and got:
>C:\Python21\Lib>python unittest.py TW.tests.suite
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "unittest.py", line 711, in ?
>    main(module=None)
>  File "unittest.py", line 662, in __init__
>    self.parseArgs(argv)
>  File "unittest.py", line 689, in parseArgs
>    self.createTests()
>  File "unittest.py", line 695, in createTests
>    self.module)
>  File "unittest.py", line 457, in loadTestsFromNames
>    suites.append(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module))
>  File "unittest.py", line 442, in loadTestsFromName
>    test = obj()
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\tests\__init__.py", line 12, in suite
>    import Aspects, SOX, StructuralModel
>  File "c:\Python21\TW\tests\Aspects.py", line 5, in ?
>    from Acquisition import Implicit
>ImportError: No module named Acquisition
>It looks like TW only runs with Zope installed or inside of Zope.  I have 
>it installed but it's not hooked into the Python path.

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