[TransWarp] TransWarp and ZPatterns
Albert Langer
Albert.Langer at Directory-Designs.org
Wed Aug 29 00:02:42 EDT 2001
My next likely area of hacking is the XMI library (again). I'm starting
from scratch with the intention of building a tool that fully and
transparently supports either XMI 1.0 or 1.1, while presenting the same API
to the developer, and which will create a simplified micro-DOM-like
structure. This structure will abstract away the XML rendering of the data
and simply represent objects, attributes, and links. XMI 1.1 support has
become important to me because certain interesting metamodels (Notably CWM
1.0, the Common Warehouse Metamodel) are only available in XMI 1.1
form. XMI 1.0 support is still important, however, because it seems most
of the UML tools out there only know how to do XMI 1.0 as yet.
You might find the new Human Usable Textual Notation for EDOC interesting:
This is actually a generic textual notation for MOF models, although EDOC
itself is also very interesting:
See the items dated 18 June 2001, especially:
The Business Process Profile in section 5 of Chapter 3 starting page 270 (of
the .pdf)
defines a quite comprehensive independently usable subset of EDOC that looks
for Transwarp to me. Overview diagram is fig 78 on page 327 (.pdf).
Rest of the doc may shed some light re what I was on about when suggesting
Transwarp is
closely related to unfolding templated Collaborations.
ebXML also appears to be going in the same direction with the UN/CEFACT
Unified Modelling Methodology (UMM):
The draft for MOF 1.4 is also available, including XMI, Rose and MODL models
and tools:
There is a (java source) meta-modelling tool MMT available at:
Rose as well as XMI models for the UML 1.4 interchange format are available
Very initial drafts for UML 2.0 are also available from the "status and
links at:
PS I'm still "out of it" but just thought I'd pass these links on in case
aren't aware of some of them. Beginning to see a "light at the end of the
though it might be an oncoming locomotive train.
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