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Class: ISOXNode ./src/peak/util/

Object mapping from an XML element

Objects implementing ISOXNode are used to construct object structures from XML elements. Each node gets to control how its subnodes are created, and what will be passed back to its parent node once its element subtree is complete. In the simplest possible case, one can create a simple DOM-like tree of nodes which closely resemble the original XML. Or, one can create a tree of objects with only minor structural similarities, or even use nodes just to do "side-effect" processing guided by the XML structures, like an interpretive parser.

Base Classes   
_acquireFrom ( parentNode )

Parent-child relationship hook

Called on newly created nodes to give them a chance to acquire context information from their parent node

_addNode ( name,  subObj )

Add finished sub-node subObj to node

_addText ( text )

Add text string text to node

_finish ()

Return an object to be used in place of this node in call to the parent's _addNode() method. Returning None will result in nothing being added to the parent.

_newNode ( name,  attributeMap )

Create new child node from name and attributeMap

Child node must implement the ISOXNode interface.

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