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Class: ConflictManager ./src/peak/util/

Manage potentially-conflicting settings from multiple sources

Usage:: cm = ConflictManager()

# This keeps the "most-specific" data (shortest non-conflicting path) # or raises an error if a conflicting setting is made cm[key] = path, setting

for setting in cm.values(): # process setting

Keys can be any hashable value. path objects must be sequences of a uniform type, representing an "inclusion path". For example, if the settings are being read from a file foo that was included within a file bar, then the path would be ("bar","foo"). If foo then includes a file baz, its path would be ("bar","foo","baz"). For any given pair of settings, one is kept if its path is a prefix of the other path. If neither path is a prefix of the other, or the paths are equal, a KeyError will be raised to indicate a conflict.

At any time, the current settings can be read back out via the values() method.

__getitem__ ( self,  key )

__init__ ( self )

__setitem__ (

clear ( self )

values ( self )

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