IAdaptiveTask |
Periodic task with tunable polling interval
IAdaptiveTaskSPI |
Things you implement when subclassing the AdaptiveTask abstract base
IBasicReactor |
- I/O Scheduler
twisted.internet.reactor or a substitute
ICheckableResource |
Objects that can be checked for availability/proper functioning.
ICmdLineApp |
Encapsulate a "commandline-style" app for reusability/composability
ICmdLineAppFactory |
Class interface for creating components from a command-line app
IExecutable |
Object which can be executed as a "main program" or "subcommand"
ILock | |
IMainCmdFactory |
Callable that can create a "main" ICmdLineApp w/out further input
IMainLoop |
Run the reactor event loop, with activity monitoring and timeouts
IPeriodicTask |
Thing that does work periodically
IProcessProxy |
Object that represents a child process
IProcessTemplate |
Object that is used to spawn a particular type of child process
IRerunnable |
Like a command-line app, but serially reusable
IRerunnableCGI |
Like an IRerunnable, but specifically for CGI
ITaskQueue |
Schedule and run prioritized periodic tasks using the system reactor
ITwistedReactor |
Ask for this if you really need Twisted
IWSGIApplication |
A WSGI (PEP 333) application object