AbstractConditional |
Base class for an 'IConditional': fires if and only if value is true
AnyOf |
Union of multiple event sources
Broadcaster |
Like a distributor, but broadcasting events to all callbacks
Condition |
Send callbacks/allow tasks to proceed when condition is true
DerivedCondition |
DerivedCondition(formula, *values)' - derive condition from value(s)
DerivedValue |
DerivedValue(formula, *values)' - a value derived from other values
Distributor |
Sends each event to one callback
Intersect | |
Not | |
NullClass |
Null condition: never fires, never has a value other than None
Observable |
Base class for a generic event source
Readable |
- Base class for an
- adds a
_value and '__call__
ReadableAsCondition |
Wrap an IReadableSource as an 'IConditional
Semaphore |
Allow up to n tasks to proceed simultaneously
Union | |
Value |
Broadcast changes in a variable to all observers
Writable |
- Base class for an
- adds a
set() method
WritableAsCondition |
Wrap an IWritableValue as an 'IConditional
_compound | |