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Class: IConfigSource ./src/peak/config/

Something that can be queried for configuration data

Base Classes   
_configKeysMatching ( configKey )

Iterable over defined keys that match configKey

A key k in the map is considered to "match" configKey if any of k.parentKeys() are listed as keys in configKey.registrationKeys(). You must not change the configuration map while iterating over the keys. Also, keep in mind that only explicitly-registered keys are returned; for instance, load-on-demand rules will only show up as wildcard keys.

Implementations may yield keys in any order, but must not yield the same key more than once.

_getConfigData ( forObj,  configKey )

Return a value of configKey for forObj or NOT_FOUND

Note that configKey is an IConfigKey instance and may therefore be a PropertyName or an Interface object.

Also note that binding.Component implements this method by simply returning NOT_FOUND, and that is a perfectly acceptable implementation for many purposes.

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