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Differences between version dated 2005-04-15 20:21:07 and 2007-03-26 18:24:48 (spanning 4 versions)
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method tells the reactor to listen with the given server object and
port number.
If saved in a file called ````, this code can be run as
If saved in a file called ````, this code can be run as
follows (on Unix/Linux systems)::
    PYTHONPATH=. peak import:twist_it.App
    PYTHONPATH=. peak import:twistedpeak.App
The example client code from the HOWTO works exactly the same::

This code can be used as a starting point for any kind of Twisted
Configuration and Binding
The code above is slightly longer than the example shown in the HOWTO,
but because of PEAK's component-oriented features, especially its
configuration and binding facilities, it is much more flexible. Since
``commands.EventDriven`` is a descendent of PEAK's base component
class, the ``App`` class is also a component class. This primarily
means two things:
- instances of it can be located in a hierarchy of other components;
  components can find each other in various ways without needing to
  know anything about the structure of the application as a
  whole. This promotes loose coupling, which can lead to more flexible
  applications and more reusable code. Components can optionally
  "offer" their properties for use by other components in the system.
- component objects are easily configurable by various means,
  including external configuration files (.ini-style, ZConfig),
  internally via "property names", and through keyword parameters when
  directly instantiated.
A component hierarchy always has a "root" object. In our example the
root object is created by the ``peak`` script, which is installed to
an executable directory by PEAK's ```` installer script. The
``peak`` script is a simple launcher which takes a URL-like recipe for
finding a "runnable" object to load and run.

code, config files, and shell scripts, the page was no longer usable.
-- John Landahl, March 2005.

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