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Differences between version dated 2008-01-04 19:47:38 and 2008-05-23 12:49:13 (spanning 4 versions)
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And of course, you can use this boolean test in a rule, to trigger some action::
    >>> class AlarmClock(trellis.Component):
    ... trellis.values(timeout = None)
    ... timeout = trellis.attr(None)
    ... trellis.maintain()
    ... def alert(self):
    ... if self.timeout:
    ... print "timed out!"
    ... alert = trellis.rule(alert)
    >>> clock = AlarmClock(timeout=Time[20])
    >>> Time.advance(15)

    >>> class Elapsed(trellis.Component):
    ... trellis.values(duration = 20)
    ... trellis.rules(has_run_for = lambda self: Time[0])
    ... duration = trellis.attr(20)
    ... has_run_for = trellis.maintain(lambda self: Time[0])
    ... trellis.maintain()
    ... def alarm(self):
    ... if self.has_run_for[self.duration]:
    ... print "timed out!"
    ... alarm = trellis.rule(alarm)
    >>> t = Elapsed() # Capture a start time
    >>> Time.advance(15) # duration is 20, so no alarm yet

long a process has been idle (or busy)::
    >>> class IdleTimer(trellis.Component):
    ... trellis.values(
    ... idle_for = activity.NOT_YET,
    ... trellis.attrs(
    ... idle_timeout = 20,
    ... busy = False,
    ... )
    ... trellis.rules(
    ... idle_for = lambda self:
    ... self.idle_for.begins_with(not self.busy)
    ... idle_for = trellis.maintain(
    ... lambda self: self.idle_for.begins_with(not self.busy),
    ... initially = activity.NOT_YET
    ... )
    ... trellis.maintain()
    ... def alarm(self):
    ... if self.idle_for[self.idle_timeout]:
    ... print "timed out!"
    ... alarm = trellis.rule(alarm)
The way this code works, is that initially the ``idle_for`` timer is equal to
the special ``NOT_YET`` value, representing a moment that will never be

    >>> it.idle_timeout = 15 # already at 30, fires again
    timed out!
    >>> print Time.next_event_time()
Automatically Advancing the Time

    Run up to `count` outstanding ``call()`` callbacks, if any are pending. If
    `count` is ``Non``, run all pending callbacks.
    `count` is ``None``, run all pending callbacks.
The ``poll()`` and ``flush()`` are mainly intended for your convenience when
writing tests of code that would ordinarily be run inside an event loop. In

You can check an event loop's status using its ``running`` and
``stop_requested`` attributes, which are both normally false::
    >>> @trellis.ObserverCell
    >>> @trellis.Performer
    ... def LoopWatch():
    ... print "Running =", EventLoop.running
    ... print "Stopping =", EventLoop.stop_requested

As you can see, the ``running`` attribute turns true once the event loop starts
running. When ``stop()`` is called, the ``stop_requested`` attribute becomes
true, and then both ``running``and ``stop_requested`` return to their normal
true, and then both ``running`` and ``stop_requested`` return to their normal

state along the way. For example::
    >>> class TaskExample(trellis.Component):
    ... trellis.values(
    ... trellis.attrs(
    ... start = False,
    ... stop = False
    ... )

can rewrite our example like this, for more modularity::
    >>> class TaskExample(trellis.Component):
    ... trellis.values(
    ... trellis.attrs(
    ... start = False,
    ... stop = False
    ... )

the attributes and methods you'll need to implement:
    This should be a ```` that only executes when the
    This should be a ``@trellis.perform`` rule that only executes when the
    event loop is running, and handles scheduling for ``Time.tick()`` calls.
    When ``self._next_time`` is not ``None``, it is a value indicating the
    number of seconds until the next scheduled event, and you should arrange

    >>> class MyEventLoop(activity.EventLoop):
    ... context.replaces(activity.EventLoop) # <-- must have this line!
    ... @trellis.perform
    ... def _ticker(self):
    ... if self.running:
    ... if Time.auto_update:

For more examples, check out the source code of the ``TwistedEventLoop`` and
``WXEventLoop`` classes in ````: they're both quite short.

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