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The PEAK Rules Core Framework
This document is for people who are extending the core framework in some
way, e.g. adding custom action types to specialize method combination, or
creating new kinds of engines or conditions. It isn't intended to be user
documentation for the built-in rule facility.
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
Roadmap and Design Overview
Planned API
The ``peak.rules`` package will offer an API that looks something like this:
    Decorator to mark a function as abstract, meaning that it has no default
    rule defined. Various arguments and keyword options will be available to
    provide optimization hints or set the default method combination policy
    for the function.
``@rules.when(f, condition=None)``
    Decorator to extend an existing function (`f`), even if it is not already
    a generic function. Yes, that's right, you'll be able to extend any
    Python function. The condition will be optional, which means that if you
    don't specify one, your function will simply replace or wrap the original
``@rules.around()``, ``@rules.before()``, ``@rules.after()``
    Just like ``@rules.when()``, except using different combination wrappers.
    As with ``when()``, the condition will be optional and the function doesn't
    have to have been declared "abstract" ahead of time.
Once a function has been made extensible, the usual ``f.when()`` and other
decorators will probably be available, but I'm not 100% decided on that as yet.
Unlike RuleDispatch, PEAK-Rules will have an open-ended method combination
system that doesn't rely on the generic function itself controlling the
combination rules. So it might be cleaner just to always use ``@around(f, c)``
instead of e.g. ``@f.around(c)``, even though the latter looks a bit more
pleasant to me.
In addition to these functions, there will probably be some exception classes,
and maybe a few other specialty classes or functions, including perhaps some
of the core framework's generic functions. None of those things are as yet
well-defined enough to specify here.
Development Roadmap
The first versions will focus on developing a core framework for extensible
functions that is itself implemented using extensible functions. This
self-bootstrapping core will implement a type-tuple-caching engine using
relatively primitive operations, and will then have a method combination
system built on that. The core will thus be capable of implementing generic
functions with multiple dispatch based on positional argument types, and the
decorator APIs will be built around that.
The next phase of development will add alternative engines that are oriented
towards predicate dispatch and more sophisticated ways of specifying regular
class dispatch (e.g. being able to say things like ``isinstance(x,Foo) or
isinstance(y,Foo)``). To some extent this will be porting the expression
machinery from RuleDispatch to work on the new core, but in a lot of ways it'll
just be redone from scratch. Having type-based multiple dispatch available to
implement the framework should enable a significant reduction in the complexity
of the resulting library.
An additional phase will focus on adding new features not possible with the
RuleDispatch engine, such as "predicate functions" (a kind of dynamic macro
or rule expansion feature), "classifiers" (a way of priority-sequencing a
set of alternative criteria) and others.
Finally, specialty features such as index customization, thread-safety,
event-oriented rulesets, and such will be introduced.
There is no defined timeframe for these most of these phases, although I
anticipate that at least the first one will be finished in June.
Design Concepts
    A criterion is a test that returns a boolean for a given value, for example
    by testing its type. The simplest criterion is just a class or type object,
    meaning that the value should be of that type.
    A condition expressed purely in terms of simple tests "and"ed together,
    using no "or" operations of any kind. A signature specifies what argument
    expressions are tested, and which criteria should be applied to them.
    The simplest possible signature is a tuple of criteria, with each criterion
    applied to the corresponding argument in an argument tuple. An empty tuple
    matches any possible input.
    One or more signatures "or"ed together. (Note that this means that
    signatures are predicates, but predicates are not necessarily signatures.)
    A combination of a predicate, an action type, and a body (usually a
    function.) The existence of a rule implies the existence of one or more
    actions of the given action type and body, one for each possible signature
    that could match the predicate.
Action Type
    A factory that can produce an Action when supplied with a signature, body,
    and sequence. (Examples in ``peak.rules`` will include the ``MethodList``,
    ``MethodChain``, ``Around``, ``Before``, and ``After`` types.)
    An object representing the behavior of a single invocation of a generic
    function. Action objects may be combined (using a generic function of
    the form ``combine_actions(a1,a2)``) to create combined methods ala
    RuleDispatch. Each action comprises at least a signature and a body, but
    actions of more complex types may include other information.
Rule Set
    A collection of rules, combined with some policy information (such
    as the default action type) and optional optimization hints. A rule
    set does not directly implement dispatching. Instead, rule engines
    subscribe to rule sets, and the rule set informs them when actions are
    added and removed due to changes in the rule set's rules.
    This would almost be better named an "action set" than a "rule set",
    in that it's (virtually speaking) a collection of actions rather than
    rules. However, you do add and remove entries from it by specifying
    rules; the actions are merely implied by the rules.
    Generic functions will have a ``__rules__`` attribute that points to their
    rule set, so that the various decorators can add rules to them. You
    will probably be able to subclass the base RuleSet class or create
    alternate implementations, as might be useful for supporting persistent or
    database-stored rules. (Although you'd probably also need a custom rule
    engine for that.)
Rule Engine
    An object that manages the dispatching of a given rule set to implement
    a specific generic function. Generic functions will have an ``__engine__``
    attribute that points to their current engine. Engines will be responsible
    for doing any indexing, caching, or code generation that may be required to
    implement the resulting generic function.
    The default engine will implement simple type-based multiple dispatch with
    type-tuple caching. For simple generic functions this is likely to be
    faster than almost anything else, even C-assisted RuleDispatch. It also
    should have far less definition-time overhead than a RuleDispatch-style
    engine would.
    Engines will be pluggable, and in fact there will be a mechanism to allow
    engines to be switched at runtime when certain conditions are met. For
    example, the default engine could switch automatically to a
    RuleDispatch-like engine if a rule is added whose conditions can't be
    translated to simple type dispatching. There will also be some type of
    hint system to allow users to suggest what kind of engine implementation
    or special indexing might be appropriate for a particular function.
Method Combination
Method combination is performed using the ``combine_actions()`` API function::
    >>> from peak.rules import combine_actions
``combine_actions()`` takes two arguments: a pair of actions. They are
compared using ``implies()`` to see if one is more specific than the other.
If so, the more specific action's ``override()`` method is called, passing in
the less-specific action. If neither action can override the other, the first
action's ``merge()`` method is called, passing in the other action.
In either case, the result of calling the ``merge()`` or ``override()`` method
is returned.
So, to define a custom action type for method combination, it needs to support
``implies()`` operations on its signature(s), and it needs to implement
``merge()`` and ``override()`` methods.
Signature Implication
The ``implies()`` function is used to determine the logical implication
relationship between two signatures or methods. A signature ``s1`` implies
signature ``s2`` if ``s2`` will always match an invocation matched by ``s1``.
(Action implication is based on signature implication; see the `Action Types`_
section below for more details.)
For the simplest signatures (tuples of types), this corresponds to a subclass
relationship between the elements of the tuples::
    >>> from peak.rules import implies
    >>> implies(int, object)
    >>> implies(object, int)
    >>> implies(int, str)
    >>> implies(int, int)
    >>> implies( (int,str), (object,object) )
    >>> implies( (object,int), (object,str) )
It's possible for a longer tuple to imply a shorter one::
    >>> implies( (int,int), (object,) )
But not the other way around::
    >>> implies( (int,), (object,object) )
And as a special case of type implication, any classic class implies both
``object`` and ``InstanceType`` -- and nothing else::
    >>> class X: pass
    >>> implies(X, object)
    >>> implies(X, type(X()))
Action Types
The default action type (for rules with no specified action type) is
``Method``. A ``Method`` combines a body, signature, precedence, and an
optional "chained" action that it can fall back to. All of these values
are optional, except for the body::
    >>> from peak.rules import Method
    >>> def dummy(*args, **kw):
    ... print "called with", args, kw
    >>> meth = Method.make(dummy, (object,), 1)
    >>> meth
    Method(<...dummy...>, (<type 'object'>,), 1, None)
Calling a ``Method`` invokes the wrapped body::
    >>> meth(1,2,x=3)
    called with (1, 2) {'x': 3}
One ``Method`` implies another if and only if its signature implies the
    >>> implies(Method.make(dummy,(int,int)), Method.make(dummy,(object,object)))
    >>> implies(Method.make(dummy,(object,object)), Method.make(dummy,(int,int)))
When a method overrides another, you get the overriding method::
    >>> meth.override(Method.make(dummy))
    Method(<...dummy...>, (<type 'object'>,), 1, None)
Unless the overriding method's body is a function whose first parameter is
named ``next_method``, in which case a chain of methods is created via the
"tail" of a copy of the overriding method::
    >>> def overriding_fn(next_method, etc):
    ... print "calling", next_method
    ... return next_method(etc)
    >>> chain = Method.make(overriding_fn).override(Method.make(dummy))
    >>> chain
    Method(<...overriding_fn...>, (), 0, Method(<...dummy...>, (), 0, None))
The resulting chain is a callable ``Method``, and the ``next_method`` is passed
in to the first function of the chain::
    >>> chain(42)
    calling Method(<...dummy...>, (), 0, None)
    called with (42,) {}
``Around`` methods are identical to normal ``Method`` objects, except that
whenever an ``Around`` method and a regular ``Method`` are combined, the
``Around`` method overrides the regular one. This forces all the regular
methods to be further down the chain than all of the "around" methods.
    >>> from peak.rules import Around
    >>> combine_actions(Method.make(dummy), Around(overriding_fn))
    Around(<...overriding_fn...>, (), 0, Method(<...dummy...>, (), 0, None))
You will normally only want to use ``Around`` methods with functions that have
a ``next_method`` parameter, since their purpose is to wrap "around" the
calling of lower-precedence methods. If you don't do this, then the method
chain will always end at that ``Around`` instance::
    >>> combine_actions(Method.make(overriding_fn), Around(dummy))
    Around(<...dummy...>, (), 0, None)
The simplest possible action type is ``NoApplicableMethods``, meaning that
there is no applicable action. When it's overridden by another method, it
will of course get chained to the other method's tail (if appropriate).
    >>> from peak.rules import NoApplicableMethods
    >>> naf = NoApplicableMethods()
    >>> meth = Method.make(overriding_fn)
    >>> combine_actions(naf, meth)
    Method(<...overriding_fn...>, (), 0, <...NoApplicableMethods...>)
    >>> combine_actions(meth, naf)
    Method(<...overriding_fn...>, (), 0, <...NoApplicableMethods...>)
Calling a ``NoApplicableMethods`` raises it, displaying the arguments it was
called with::
    >>> naf(1,2,x="y")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NoApplicableMethods: ((1, 2), {'x': 'y'})
Before, After, and MethodList
``MethodList`` actions differ from normal method chain actions in a number of
* In case of ambiguity, they are ordered according to the sequence they were
  given in the underlying rule set.
* They do not need to inspect or call a ``next_method()``; the next method is
  always called automatically.
The ``Before`` and ``After`` action types are both ``MethodList`` subclasses.
``Before`` actions are invoked before their tail action, and ``After`` actions
are invoked afterward::
    >>> from peak.rules import Before, After
    >>> def primary(*args,**kw):
    ... print "primary method called"
    >>> b = Before.make(dummy).override(Method.make(primary))
    >>> a = After.make(dummy).override(Method.make(primary))
    >>> b(23)
    called with (23,) {}
    primary method called
    >>> a(42)
    primary method called
    called with (42,) {}
Notice that to create a ``MethodList`` with only one method, you must use the
``make()`` classmethod. ``Method`` also has this classmethod, but it has the
same signature as the main constructor. The main constructor for
``MethodList`` has a different signature for its internal use.
The combination of before, after, primary, and around methods is as shown::
    >>> b = Before.make(dummy)
    >>> a = After.make(dummy)
    >>> p = Method.make(primary)
    >>> o = Around.make(overriding_fn)
    >>> combine_actions(b, combine_actions(a, combine_actions(p, o)))(17)
    calling Before(...dummy..., After(...dummy..., Method(...primary...)))
    called with (17,) {}
    primary method called
    called with (17,) {}
``Around`` methods take precedence over all other method types, so the around
method's tail is a ``Before`` that wraps the ``After`` that wraps the primary
Within a ``MethodList``, methods are ordered by signature implication first,
and then by definition order within groups of ambiguous signatures::
    >>> b1 = Before.make("b1", (), 1)
    >>> b2 = Before.make("b2", (), 2)
    >>> b3 = Before.make("b3", (int,), 3)
    >>> combine_actions(b2, b3).sorted()
    [((<type 'int'>,), 'b3'), ((), 'b2')]
    >>> combine_actions(b2, b1).sorted()
    [((), 'b1'), ((), 'b2')]
    >>> combine_actions(b3, combine_actions(b1,b2)).sorted()
    [((<type 'int'>,), 'b3'), ((), 'b1'), ((), 'b2')]
``After`` methods sort the opposite way::
    >>> a1 = After.make("a1", (), 1)
    >>> a2 = After.make("a2", (), 2)
    >>> a3 = After.make("a3", (int,), 3)
    >>> combine_actions(a2, a3).sorted()
    [((), 'a2'), ((<type 'int'>,), 'a3')]
    >>> combine_actions(a2, a1).sorted()
    [((), 'a2'), ((), 'a1')]
    >>> combine_actions(a3, combine_actions(a1,a2)).sorted()
    [((), 'a2'), ((), 'a1'), ((<type 'int'>,), 'a3')]
And lower-precedence duplicate bodies are automatically eliminated from the
    >>> combine_actions(a1,a1).sorted()
    [((), 'a1')]
    >>> combine_actions(b1,b1).sorted()
    [((), 'b1')]
    >>> combine_actions(b1, Before.make("b1", (int,), 1)).sorted()
    [((<type 'int'>,), 'b1')]
When you combine actions whose signatures are ambiguous (i.e. identical,
overlapping, or mutually exclusive), you end up with an ``AmbiguousMethods``
object containing the ambiguous methods::
    >>> am = combine_actions(meth, meth)
    >>> am
    AmbiguousMethods([Method(...), Method(...)])
Ambiguous methods can be overridden by an action that would override all of
the ambiguous actions::
    >>> m1 = Method.make(dummy, (int,))
    >>> combine_actions(am, m1) is m1
    >>> combine_actions(m1, am) is m1
And if appropriate, the ``AmbiguousMethods`` will end up chained to the
overriding method::
    >>> m2 = Method.make(overriding_fn, (str,))
    >>> combine_actions(am, m2)
    Method(<...overriding_fn...>, (<type 'str'>,), 0, AmbiguousMethods(...))
    >>> combine_actions(m2, am)
    Method(<...overriding_fn...>, (<type 'str'>,), 0, AmbiguousMethods(...))
Ambiguous methods override and ignore anything that would be overridden by
any of their members::
    >>> am = combine_actions(m1, m1)
    >>> combine_actions(am, meth) is am
    >>> combine_actions(meth, am) is am
But anything that overlaps just results in a bigger ``AmbiguousMethods``::
    >>> combine_actions(m2,am)
    AmbiguousMethods([Method(...), Method(...), Method(...)])
    >>> combine_actions(am,m2)
    AmbiguousMethods([Method(...), Method(...), Method(...)])
And invoking an ``AmbiguousMethods`` instance just outputs diagnostic info::
    >>> am(1,2,x="y")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AmbiguousMethods: ([Method(...), Method(...)], (1, 2), {'x': 'y'})
XXX decorators and how to create them: when, around, before, after
Creating Custom Combinations
XXX custom combination demo from RuleDispatch (compute upcharges+tax)
Rules Management
Rule Objects
Rule objects are essentially pure data objects, pairing a predicate, a body,
and an action type that will be used as a factory to create the actions for the
rule. At minimum, all a rule needs is a body. The predicate and action type
both default to ``None`` if not specified::
    >>> from peak.rules import Rule
    >>> def dummy(): pass
    >>> r = Rule(dummy)
    >>> r
    Rule(<function dummy ...>, (), None)
An action type of ``None`` (or any false value) means that the ruleset should
decide what action type to use. Actually, it can decide anyway, since the
rule set is always responsible for creating action objects; the rule's action
type is really just advisory to begin with.
``RuleSet`` objects hold the rules and policy information for a generic
function, including the default action type and optional optimziation hints.
Iterating over a ruleset yields its actions::
    >>> from peak.rules import RuleSet
    >>> rs = RuleSet()
    >>> list(rs)
And rules can be added and removed with the ``add()`` and ``remove()``
    >>> r = Rule(dummy)
    >>> rs.add(r)
    >>> list(rs)
    [(<...Method...>, <function dummy ...>, (), 0)]
    >>> rs.remove(r)
    >>> list(rs)
Observers can be added with the ``subscribe()`` and ``unsubscribe()`` methods.
Observers have their ``actions_changed`` method called with an "added" set
and a "removed" set of action definitions. (An action definition is a
tuple of the form ``(actiontype, body, signature, precedence)``, and can thus
be used to create action objects.)
    >>> class DummyObserver:
    ... def actions_changed(self, added, removed):
    ... for a in added: print "Add:", a
    ... for a in removed: print "Remove:", a
    >>> do = DummyObserver()
    >>> rs.subscribe(do)
    >>> rs.add(r)
    Add: (<...Method...>, <function dummy ...>, (), 1)
    >>> rs.remove(r)
    Remove: (<...Method...>, <function dummy ...>, (), 1)
    >>> rs.unsubscribe(do)
When an observer is first added, it's notified of the current contents of the
``RuleSet``, if any. As a result, observers don't need to do any special case
handling for their initial setup. Everything can be handled via the normal
operation of the ``actions_changed()`` method::
    >>> rs.add(r)
    >>> rs.subscribe(do)
    Add: (<...Method...>, <function dummy ...>, (), 2)
Unsubscribing, however, does not send any removal messages::
    >>> rs.unsubscribe(do)
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