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Version as of 2005-01-30 22:52:33

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Distribution Format

(Just notes so far)

Package Resource API

The following API routines will be available in the pkg_resources module as module-level functions:

Searching the list of locations specified by path, yield Distribution instances whose names match name. If name is None, all recognized distributions are yielded. If path is None, the resource manager's default path is searched. If the resource manager has no default path, sys.path is searched. Distribution objects yielded by this routine may be added to sys.metapath in order to make them accessible for importing, as they are PEP 302-compatible "importer" objects.
Ensure that the named distribution (matching version_info if specified) is present on sys.meta_path. The path argument is the same as for iter_distributions(). XXX define version-info format!
Return the named resource as a binary string.
Open the named resource as a file-like object, using the specified mode ('t', 'b', or 'U'). (Note that this does not necessarily return an actual file; if you need a fileno() or an actual operating system file, you should use resource_filename() instead.)
Return a platform file or directory name for the named resource. If the package is in an egg distribution, the resource will be unpacked before the filename is returned. If the named resource is a directory, the entire directory's contents will be extracted before the directory name is returned. Also, if the named resource is an "eager" resource such as a Python extension or shared library, then all "eager" resources will be extracted before the resource's filename is returned. (This is to ensure that shared libraries that link to other included libraries will have their dependencies available before loading.)
Set the base path where resources will be extracted to. If not set, this defaults to os.expanduser("~/.python-eggs"). Resources are extracted to subdirectories of this path, named for the corresponding .egg file. You may set this to a temporary directory, but then you must call cleanup_resources() to delete the extracted files when done. (Note: you may not change the extraction path for a given resource manager once resources have been extracted, unless you first call cleanup_resources().)
Delete all extracted resource files and directories, returning a list of the file and directory names that could not be successfully removed. This function does not have any concurrency protection, so it should generally only be called when the extraction path is a temporary directory exclusive to a single process. This method is not automatically called; you must call it explicitly or register it as an atexit function if you wish to ensure cleanup of a temporary directory used for extractions.

Distribution Objects

These need name, version, python version, and a metadata API, as well as PEP 302 "importer" methods.

The absolute filename of the distribution archive (.egg file)
get_distdata(resource_path, default=None)
Like PEP 302's get_data, this returns the data for the specified path. This may be used to retrieve distribution metadata (such as EGG-INFO/native_libs.txt). Unlike PEP 302, this method permits you to specify a default string to be returned if the resource is not present in the distribution archive. This is for convenience in retrieving optional metadata files, such as are contained in archives' EGG-INFO files.


I started doing some of the grunt work involved with a naive implementation at: - BobIppolito

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