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Differences between version dated 2006-06-09 14:36:33 and 2010-01-31 00:36:31 (spanning 15 versions)
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    the global ``working_set`` to reflect the change. This method is also
    called by the ``WorkingSet()`` constructor during initialization.
    This method uses ``find_distributions(entry,False)`` to find distributions
    This method uses ``find_distributions(entry, True)`` to find distributions
    corresponding to the path entry, and then ``add()`` them. `entry` is
    always appended to the ``entries`` attribute, even if it is already
    present, however. (This is because ``sys.path`` can contain the same value

    parsed using the ``parse_version()`` utility function. Otherwise, it is
    assumed to be an already-parsed version.
    The ``Requirement`` object's version specifiers (``.specs``) are internally
    sorted into ascending version order, and used to establish what ranges of
    versions are acceptable. Adjacent redundant conditions are effectively
    consolidated (e.g. ``">1, >2"`` produces the same results as ``">1"``, and
    ``"<2,<3"`` produces the same results as``"<3"``). ``"!="`` versions are
    excised from the ranges they fall within. The version being tested for
    acceptability is then checked for membership in the resulting ranges.
    (Note that providing conflicting conditions for the same version (e.g.
    ``"<2,>=2"`` or ``"==2,!=2"``) is meaningless and may therefore produce
    bizarre results when compared with actual version number(s).)
    A requirement compares equal to another requirement if they have
    case-insensitively equal project names, version specifiers, and "extras".

    function, so they may not exactly equal the extras the requirement was
    created with.)
    A list of ``(op,version)`` tuples, sorted in ascending parsed-version
    order. The `op` in each tuple is a comparison operator, represented as
    a string. The `version` is the (unparsed) version number. The relative
    order of tuples containing the same version numbers is undefined, since
    having more than one operator for a given version is either redundant or
Entry Points

    Finally, to handle miscellaneous cases, the strings "pre", "preview", and
    "rc" are treated as if they were "c", i.e. as though they were release
    candidates, and therefore are not as new as a version string that does not
    contain them.
    contain them. And the string "dev" is treated as if it were an "@" sign;
    that is, a version coming before even "a" or "alpha".
.. _yield_lines():

    for obtaining an "importer" object. It first checks for an importer for
    the path item in ``sys.path_importer_cache``, and if not found it calls
    each of the ``sys.path_hooks`` and caches the result if a good importer is
    found. If no importer is found, this routine returns an ``ImpWrapper``
    instance that wraps the builtin import machinery as a PEP 302-compliant
    "importer" object. This ``ImpWrapper`` is *not* cached; instead a new
    instance is returned each time.
    found. If no importer is found, this routine returns a wrapper object
    that wraps the builtin import machinery as a PEP 302-compliant "importer"
    object. This wrapper object is *not* cached; instead a new instance is
    returned each time.
File/Path Utilities

Release Notes/Change History
 * Prevent lots of spurious "already imported from another path" warnings (e.g.
   when pkg_resources is imported late).
 * Fix ``resource_listdir('')`` always returning an empty list for zipped eggs.
 * Fix package precedence problem where single-version eggs installed in
   ``site-packages`` would take precedence over ``.egg`` files (or directories)
   installed in ``site-packages``.
 * Fix extracted C extensions not having executable permissions under Cygwin.
 * Allow ``.egg-link`` files to contain relative paths.
 * Fix cache dir defaults on Windows when multiple environment vars are needed
   to construct a path.
 * Fix "dev" versions being considered newer than release candidates.
 * Python 2.5 compatibility fixes.
 * Fix a problem with eggs specified directly on ``PYTHONPATH`` on
   case-insensitive filesystems possibly not showing up in the default
   working set, due to differing normalizations of ``sys.path`` entries.
 * Fixed a duplicate path insertion problem on case-insensitive filesystems.

 * Initial release.

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