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Differences between version dated 2005-09-25 20:47:23 and 2010-01-31 00:36:31 (spanning 24 versions)
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    corresponding package in all distributions on ``sys.path`` that contain a
    package of that name. (More precisely, if an importer's
    ``find_module(name)`` returns a loader, then it will also be searched for
    the package's contents.) Whenever a Distribution's ``to_install()`` method
    the package's contents.) Whenever a Distribution's ``activate()`` method
    is invoked, it checks for the presence of namespace packages and updates
    their ``__path__`` contents accordingly.

    For the syntax of requirement specifiers, see the section below on
    `Requirements Parsing`_.
    Note: in general, it should not be necessary for you to call this method
    In general, it should not be necessary for you to call this method
    directly. It's intended more for use in quick-and-dirty scripting and
    interactive interpreter hacking than for production use. If you're creating
    an actual library or application, it's strongly recommended that you create

    there. That way, tools like EasyInstall can automatically detect what
    requirements your package has, and deal with them accordingly.
    Note that calling ``require('SomePackage')`` will not install
    ``SomePackage`` if it isn't already present. If you need to do this, you
    should use the ``resolve()`` method instead, which allows you to pass an
    ``installer`` callback that will be invoked when a needed distribution
    can't be found on the local machine. You can then have this callback
    display a dialog, automatically download the needed distribution, or
    whatever else is appropriate for your application. See the documentation
    below on the ``resolve()`` method for more information, and also on the
    ``obtain()`` method of ``Environment`` objects.
``run_script(requires, script_name)``
    Locate distribution specified by `requires` and run its `script_name`
    script. `requires` must be a string containing a requirement specifier.

    the global ``working_set`` to reflect the change. This method is also
    called by the ``WorkingSet()`` constructor during initialization.
    This method uses ``find_distributions(entry,False)`` to find distributions
    This method uses ``find_distributions(entry, True)`` to find distributions
    corresponding to the path entry, and then ``add()`` them. `entry` is
    always appended to the ``entries`` attribute, even if it is already
    present, however. (This is because ``sys.path`` can contain the same value

    yourself to deal with the existing items; just register the callback and
    be prepared for the fact that it will be called immediately by this method.
    Note that callbacks *must not* allow exceptions to propagate, or they will
    interfere with the operation of other callbacks and possibly result in an
    inconsistent working set state. Callbacks should use a try/except block
    to ignore, log, or otherwise process any errors, especially since the code
    that caused the callback to be invoked is unlikely to be able to handle
    the errors any better than the callback itself.
``pkg_resources.add_activation_listener()`` is an alternate spelling of
Locating Plugins
Extensible applications will sometimes have a "plugin directory" or a set of
plugin directories, from which they want to load entry points or other
metadata. The ``find_plugins()`` method allows you to do this, by scanning an
environment for the newest version of each project that can be safely loaded
without conflicts or missing requirements.
``find_plugins(plugin_env, full_env=None, fallback=True)``
   Scan `plugin_env` and identify which distributions could be added to this
   working set without version conflicts or missing requirements.
   Example usage::
       distributions, errors = working_set.find_plugins(
       map(working_set.add, distributions) # add plugins+libs to sys.path
       print "Couldn't load", errors # display errors
   The `plugin_env` should be an ``Environment`` instance that contains only
   distributions that are in the project's "plugin directory" or directories.
   The `full_env`, if supplied, should be an ``Environment`` instance that
   contains all currently-available distributions.
   If `full_env` is not supplied, one is created automatically from the
   ``WorkingSet`` this method is called on, which will typically mean that
   every directory on ``sys.path`` will be scanned for distributions.
   This method returns a 2-tuple: (`distributions`, `error_info`), where
   `distributions` is a list of the distributions found in `plugin_env` that
   were loadable, along with any other distributions that are needed to resolve
   their dependencies. `error_info` is a dictionary mapping unloadable plugin
   distributions to an exception instance describing the error that occurred.
   Usually this will be a ``DistributionNotFound`` or ``VersionConflict``
   Most applications will use this method mainly on the master ``working_set``
   instance in ``pkg_resources``, and then immediately add the returned
   distributions to the working set so that they are available on sys.path.
   This will make it possible to find any entry points, and allow any other
   metadata tracking and hooks to be activated.
   The resolution algorithm used by ``find_plugins()`` is as follows. First,
   the project names of the distributions present in `plugin_env` are sorted.
   Then, each project's eggs are tried in descending version order (i.e.,
   newest version first).
   An attempt is made to resolve each egg's dependencies. If the attempt is
   successful, the egg and its dependencies are added to the output list and to
   a temporary copy of the working set. The resolution process continues with
   the next project name, and no older eggs for that project are tried.
   If the resolution attempt fails, however, the error is added to the error
   dictionary. If the `fallback` flag is true, the next older version of the
   plugin is tried, until a working version is found. If false, the resolution
   process continues with the next plugin project name.
   Some applications may have stricter fallback requirements than others. For
   example, an application that has a database schema or persistent objects
   may not be able to safely downgrade a version of a package. Others may want
   to ensure that a new plugin configuration is either 100% good or else
   revert to a known-good configuration. (That is, they may wish to revert to
   a known configuration if the `error_info` return value is non-empty.)
   Note that this algorithm gives precedence to satisfying the dependencies of
   alphabetically prior project names in case of version conflicts. If two
   projects named "AaronsPlugin" and "ZekesPlugin" both need different versions
   of "TomsLibrary", then "AaronsPlugin" will win and "ZekesPlugin" will be
   disabled due to version conflict.
``Environment`` Objects

``Environment`` objects are used by ``pkg_resources`` to index available
distributions during dependency resolution.
``Environment(search_path=None, platform=get_platform(), python=PY_MAJOR)``
``Environment(search_path=None, platform=get_supported_platform(), python=PY_MAJOR)``
    Create an environment snapshot by scanning `search_path` for distributions
    compatible with `platform` and `python`. `search_path` should be a
    sequence of strings such as might be used on ``sys.path``. If a

    Is distribution `dist` acceptable for this environment? If it's not
    compatible with the platform and python version specified at creation of
    the environment, False is returned.
    compatible with the ``platform`` and ``python`` version values specified
    when the environment was created, a false value is returned.
``__add__(dist_or_env)`` (``+`` operator)
    Add a distribution or environment to an ``Environment`` instance, returning
    a *new* environment object that contains all the distributions previously
    contained by both. The new environment will have a ``platform`` and
    ``python`` of ``None``, meaning that it will not reject any distributions
    from being added to it; it will simply accept whatever is added. If you
    want the added items to be filtered for platform and Python version, or
    you want to add them to the *same* environment instance, you should use
    in-place addition (``+=``) instead.
``__iadd__(dist_or_env)`` (``+=`` operator)
    Add a distribution or environment to an ``Environment`` instance
    *in-place*, updating the existing instance and returning it. The
    ``platform`` and ``python`` filter attributes take effect, so distributions
    in the source that do not have a suitable platform string or Python version
    are silently ignored.
``best_match(req, working_set, installer=None)``
    Find distribution best matching `req` and usable on `working_set`

    parsed using the ``parse_version()`` utility function. Otherwise, it is
    assumed to be an already-parsed version.
    The ``Requirement`` object's version specifiers (``.specs``) are internally
    sorted into ascending version order, and used to establish what ranges of
    versions are acceptable. Adjacent redundant conditions are effectively
    consolidated (e.g. ``">1, >2"`` produces the same results as ``">1"``, and
    ``"<2,<3"`` produces the same results as``"<3"``). ``"!="`` versions are
    excised from the ranges they fall within. The version being tested for
    acceptability is then checked for membership in the resulting ranges.
    (Note that providing conflicting conditions for the same version (e.g.
    ``"<2,>=2"`` or ``"==2,!=2"``) is meaningless and may therefore produce
    bizarre results when compared with actual version number(s).)
    A requirement compares equal to another requirement if they have
    case-insensitively equal project names, version specifiers, and "extras".

    function, so they may not exactly equal the extras the requirement was
    created with.)
    A list of ``(op,version)`` tuples, sorted in ascending parsed-version
    order. The `op` in each tuple is a comparison operator, represented as
    a string. The `version` is the (unparsed) version number. The relative
    order of tuples containing the same version numbers is undefined, since
    having more than one operator for a given version is either redundant or
Entry Points

implement both the `IResourceProvider`_ and `IMetadataProvider Methods`_ by
delegating them to the `metadata` object.
``Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata=None)`` (classmethod)
``Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata=None, **kw)`` (classmethod)
    Create a distribution for `location`, which must be a string such as a
    URL, filename, or other string that might be used on ``sys.path``.
    `basename` is a string naming the distribution, like ``Foo-1.2-py2.4.egg``.
    If `basename` ends with ``.egg``, then the project's name, version, python
    version and platform are extracted from the filename and used to set those
    properties of the created distribution.
    properties of the created distribution. Any additional keyword arguments
    are forwarded to the ``Distribution()`` constructor.
``Distribution.from_filename(filename, metadata=None)`` (classmethod)
``Distribution.from_filename(filename, metadata=None**kw)`` (classmethod)
    Create a distribution by parsing a local filename. This is a shorter way
    of saying ``Distribution.from_location(normalize_path(filename),
    os.path.basename(filename), metadata)``. In other words, it creates a
    distribution whose location is the normalize form of the filename, parsing
    name and version information from the base portion of the filename.
    name and version information from the base portion of the filename. Any
    additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the ``Distribution()``
    Create a distribution by setting its properties. All arguments are

    ``dist.key`` is short for ``dist.project_name.lower()``. It's used for
    case-insensitive comparison and indexing of distributions by project name.
    A list of strings, giving the names of extra features defined by the
    project's dependency list (the ``extras_require`` argument specified in
    the project's setup script).
    A string denoting what release of the project this distribution contains.
    When a ``Distribution`` is constructed, the `version` argument is passed

    ``parsed_version``. The default precedence is ``pkg_resources.EGG_DIST``,
    which is the highest (i.e. most preferred) precedence. The full list
    of predefined precedences, from most preferred to least preferred, is:
    Normally, precedences other than ``EGG_DIST`` are used only by the
    ``setuptools.package_index`` module, when sorting distributions found in a
    package index to determine their suitability for installation.
    ``DEVELOP_DIST``. Normally, precedences other than ``EGG_DIST`` are used
    only by the ``setuptools.package_index`` module, when sorting distributions
    found in a package index to determine their suitability for installation.
    "System" and "Development" eggs (i.e., ones that use the ``.egg-info``
    format), however, are automatically given a precedence of ``DEVELOP_DIST``.

    of "extras" defined by the distribution, and the list returned will then
    include any dependencies needed to support the named "extras".
    Create a copy of the distribution. Any supplied keyword arguments override
    the corresponding argument to the ``Distribution()`` constructor, allowing
    you to change some of the copied distribution's attributes.
    Return what this distribution's standard filename should be, not including
    the ".egg" extension. For example, a distribution for project "Foo"

    obtain an extraction location, and only for names they intend to
    extract, as it tracks the generated names for possible cleanup later.
    Raise an ``ExtractionError`` describing the active exception as interfering
    with the extraction process. You should call this if you encounter any
    OS errors extracting the file to the cache path; it will format the
    operating system exception for you, and add other information to the
    ``ExtractionError`` instance that may be needed by programs that want to
    wrap or handle extraction errors themselves.
``postprocess(tempname, filename)``
    Perform any platform-specific postprocessing of `tempname`.
    Resource providers should call this method ONLY after successfully

    to the working set). If the named package can't be imported, or the
    ``Requirement`` can't be satisfied, an exception is raised.
    Note also that if you supply a package name, and the package is not part
    of a pluggable distribution (i.e., it has no metadata), then you will still
    get an ``IResourceProvider`` object, but it will return ``False`` when
    asked if any metadata files or directories exist.
    NOTE: if you use a package name rather than a ``Requirement``, the object
    you get back may not be a pluggable distribution, depending on the method
    by which the package was installed. In particular, "development" packages
    and "single-version externally-managed" packages do not have any way to
    map from a package name to the corresponding project's metadata. Do not
    write code that passes a package name to ``get_provider()`` and then tries
    to retrieve project metadata from the returned object. It may appear to
    work when the named package is in an ``.egg`` file or directory, but
    it will fail in other installation scenarios. If you want project
    metadata, you need to ask for a *project*, not a package.
``IMetadataProvider`` Methods

    This class is used as a base class for the other three exceptions, so that
    you can catch all of them with a single "except" clause. It is also raised

    One of the "extras" requested was not recognized by the distribution it
    was requested from.
    A problem occurred extracting a resource to the Python Egg cache. The
    following attributes are available on instances of this exception:
        The resource manager that raised this exception
        The base directory for resource extraction
        The exception instance that caused extraction to fail
Supporting Custom Importers


    itself is a ".egg"). It can also be a combination, such as a zipfile egg
    that also contains other eggs.
    Create an ``IResourceProvider`` that provides exactly one metadata
    resource: ``PKG-INFO``. The supplied path should be a distutils PKG-INFO
    file. This is basically the same as an ``EmptyProvider``, except that
    requests for ``PKG-INFO`` will be answered using the contents of the
    designated file. (This provider is used to wrap ``.egg-info`` files
    installed by vendor-supplied system packages.)
Utility Functions

    The algorithm assumes that strings like "-" and any alpha string that
    alphabetically follows "final" represents a "patch level". So, "2.4-1"
    is assumed to be a branch or patch of "2.4", and therefore "2.4.1" is
    considered newer than "2.4-1", whic in turn is newer than "2.4".
    considered newer than "2.4-1", which in turn is newer than "2.4".
    Strings like "a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "candidate" and so on (that
    come before "final" alphabetically) are assumed to be pre-release versions,
    so that the version "2.4" is considered newer than "2.4a1".
    so that the version "2.4" is considered newer than "2.4a1". Any "-"
    characters preceding a pre-release indicator are removed. (In versions of
    setuptools prior to 0.6a9, "-" characters were not removed, leading to the
    unintuitive result that "0.2-rc1" was considered a newer version than
    Finally, to handle miscellaneous cases, the strings "pre", "preview", and
    "rc" are treated as if they were "c", i.e. as though they were release
    candidates, and therefore are not as new as a version string that does not
    contain them.
    contain them. And the string "dev" is treated as if it were an "@" sign;
    that is, a version coming before even "a" or "alpha".
.. _yield_lines():

    similar to ``safe_name()`` except that non-alphanumeric runs are replaced
    by a single underbar (``_``), and the result is lowercased.
    Escape a name or version string so it can be used in a dash-separated
    filename (or ``#egg=name-version`` tag) without ambiguity. You
    should only pass in values that were returned by ``safe_name()`` or
Platform Utilities
    Return this platform's identifier string. For Windows, the return value
    is ``"win32"``, and for Mac OS X it is a string of the form
    ``"macosx-10.4-ppc"``. All other platforms return the same uname-based
    string that the ``distutils.util.get_platform()`` function returns.
    This string is the minimum platform version required by distributions built
    on the local machine. (Backward compatibility note: setuptools versions
    prior to 0.6b1 called this function ``get_platform()``, and the function is
    still available under that name for backward compatibility reasons.)
``get_supported_platform()`` (New in 0.6b1)
    This is the similar to ``get_build_platform()``, but is the maximum
    platform version that the local machine supports. You will usually want
    to use this value as the ``provided`` argument to the
    ``compatible_platforms()`` function.
``compatible_platforms(provided, required)``
    Return true if a distribution built on the `provided` platform may be used

    for obtaining an "importer" object. It first checks for an importer for
    the path item in ``sys.path_importer_cache``, and if not found it calls
    each of the ``sys.path_hooks`` and caches the result if a good importer is
    found. If no importer is found, this routine returns an ``ImpWrapper``
    instance that wraps the builtin import machinery as a PEP 302-compliant
    "importer" object. This ``ImpWrapper`` is *not* cached; instead a new
    instance is returned each time.
    found. If no importer is found, this routine returns a wrapper object
    that wraps the builtin import machinery as a PEP 302-compliant "importer"
    object. This wrapper object is *not* cached; instead a new instance is
    returned each time.
File/Path Utilities

Release Notes/Change History
 * Prevent lots of spurious "already imported from another path" warnings (e.g.
   when pkg_resources is imported late).
 * Fix ``resource_listdir('')`` always returning an empty list for zipped eggs.
 * Fix package precedence problem where single-version eggs installed in
   ``site-packages`` would take precedence over ``.egg`` files (or directories)
   installed in ``site-packages``.
 * Fix extracted C extensions not having executable permissions under Cygwin.
 * Allow ``.egg-link`` files to contain relative paths.
 * Fix cache dir defaults on Windows when multiple environment vars are needed
   to construct a path.
 * Fix "dev" versions being considered newer than release candidates.
 * Python 2.5 compatibility fixes.
 * Fix a problem with eggs specified directly on ``PYTHONPATH`` on
   case-insensitive filesystems possibly not showing up in the default
   working set, due to differing normalizations of ``sys.path`` entries.
 * Fixed a duplicate path insertion problem on case-insensitive filesystems.
 * Split ``get_platform()`` into ``get_supported_platform()`` and
   ``get_build_platform()`` to work around a Mac versioning problem that caused
   the behavior of ``compatible_platforms()`` to be platform specific.
 * Fix entry point parsing when a standalone module name has whitespace
   between it and the extras.
 * Added ``ExtractionError`` and ``ResourceManager.extraction_error()`` so that
   cache permission problems get a more user-friendly explanation of the
   problem, and so that programs can catch and handle extraction errors if they
   need to.
 * Added the ``extras`` attribute to ``Distribution``, the ``find_plugins()``
   method to ``WorkingSet``, and the ``__add__()`` and ``__iadd__()`` methods
   to ``Environment``.
 * ``safe_name()`` now allows dots in project names.
 * There is a new ``to_filename()`` function that escapes project names and
   versions for safe use in constructing egg filenames from a Distribution
   object's metadata.
 * Added ``Distribution.clone()`` method, and keyword argument support to other
   ``Distribution`` constructors.
 * Added the ``DEVELOP_DIST`` precedence, and automatically assign it to
   eggs using ``.egg-info`` format.
 * Don't raise an error when an invalid (unfinished) distribution is found
   unless absolutely necessary. Warn about skipping invalid/unfinished eggs
   when building an Environment.
 * Added support for ``.egg-info`` files or directories with version/platform
   information embedded in the filename, so that system packagers have the
   option of including ``PKG-INFO`` files to indicate the presence of a
   system-installed egg, without needing to use ``.egg`` directories, zipfiles,
   or ``.pth`` manipulation.
 * Changed ``parse_version()`` to remove dashes before pre-release tags, so
   that ``0.2-rc1`` is considered an *older* version than ``0.2``, and is equal
   to ``0.2rc1``. The idea that a dash *always* meant a post-release version
   was highly non-intuitive to setuptools users and Python developers, who
   seem to want to use ``-rc`` version numbers a lot.
 * Fixed a problem with ``WorkingSet.resolve()`` that prevented version
   conflicts from being detected at runtime.
 * Improved runtime conflict warning message to identify a line in the user's
   program, rather than flagging the ``warn()`` call in ``pkg_resources``.
 * Avoid giving runtime conflict warnings for namespace packages, even if they
   were declared by a different package than the one currently being activated.
 * Fix path insertion algorithm for case-insensitive filesystems.
 * Fixed a problem with nested namespace packages (e.g. ``peak.util``) not
   being set as an attribute of their parent package.
 * Activated distributions are now inserted in ``sys.path`` (and the working
   set) just before the directory that contains them, instead of at the end.
   This allows e.g. eggs in ``site-packages`` to override unmanaged modules in
   the same location, and allows eggs found earlier on ``sys.path`` to override
   ones found later.
 * When a distribution is activated, it now checks whether any contained
   non-namespace modules have already been imported and issues a warning if
   a conflicting module has already been imported.
 * Changed dependency processing so that it's breadth-first, allowing a
   depender's preferences to override those of a dependee, to prevent conflicts
   when a lower version is acceptable to the dependee, but not the depender.
 * Fixed a problem extracting zipped files on Windows, when the egg in question
   has had changed contents but still has the same version number.
 * Fix a bug in ``WorkingSet.resolve()`` that was introduced in 0.6a3.

 * Initial release.

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