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Version as of 2007-09-14 14:45:07

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EasyInstall Experience Reports

Feel free to edit this page to add your successes and problems installing packages with EasyInstall. Please try to keep the lists in alphabetic order, for the convenience of people who are looking to see if success has already been reported for a particular package.

NOTE: If you received a "Could not find distribution" message, please check the PyPI listing for the package before reporting it broken. If neither the Home Page nor Download URL links go directly to pages that contain links to the package's distribution files, you will need to download the package directly. Please contact the package's author directly, and ask them to update their PyPI information to include a current home page and download page. Packages distributed via Sourceforge should have a "Download URL" pointing to their project's "showfiles.php" page.

Note also that EasyInstall does not follow links on "This project has moved" redirection pages; please ask the author to fix their PyPI entries!

Installation Notes/Issues

Note that some packages (including ones listed above) contain other information besides Python packages in their distribution files, such as documentation, scripts, sample data, etc. These other files are not installed by EasyInstall, so if you want to access them, you will need to download the distribution, and then give its filename to Easy Install to do the installation. You can then extract and use any other files you need direct from the original distribution.)

If you are responsible for any of the following packages, please consider making changes so that your downstream users can use EasyInstall to install them. If you're a user of one of these packages, please consider contributing a patch to the package's authors to make them compatible.

On Windows XP behind a SOCKS & HTTP proxy, I essentially failed to install setuptools or easyinstall. The ez_setup script tries to connect to the Internet and times out while it can't. I manually downloaded setuptools-0.6a11-py2.4.egg and placed it in the same folder as In such case I would expect that it would just "unegg" and install that file but it didn't. So I found myself in a typical chicken-and-egg problem: in order to be able to install another .egg file, I have to install an .egg file. I would very much prefer if easyinstall did not use easyinstall itself but relied on a simple disutils Or even better, there could be an .exe installer for setuptools so that users don't have to struggle to install setuptools.

I worked around this by replacing "to_dir=tmpdir" with "to_dir=os.curdir" in line 161 of and it worked. I believe the should first look in the current folder and only then in the temp folder for an existing .egg.

I got this to work by setting the environment var "http_proxy". On winxp that was

set http_proxy=http://user:password@proxy:port

Another windows issue (Windows XP and Windows 2003 SBE) easy_install fails to find the python executable because python is installed in c:program filesPython25 (or some other path with spaces I'd assume). It returns "Cannot find Python executable C:Program". But since it's an executable file I can't figure out where its reading the directory from. So while you can install using ez_setup fine, it won't find eggs once installed.

Yet another Windows experience. I had just installed python 2.5 on a machine with python 2.4, and updated PATH and PYTHONPATH to refer to the new installation. Next step was to download and run I wasn't sure where I should put it; I put it in 2.5's site-packages. Running seemed to work fine, but afterwards easy_install always produced "ImportError: No module named pkg_resources". I moved up to C:/Python25, ran it again, and now easy_install is happy. It looks like should not be saved to and run from site-packages.

Author's name in package metadata includes an 8-bit character, which can't be written to PKG-INFO file

Create a lib/matplotlib/data/ directory in the source distribution. Move fonts/{afm,ttf}/. and images/. into lib/matplotlib/data/ . Edit lib/matplotlib/

--- lib/matplotlib/  13 Sep 2005 16:04:17 -0000      1.80
+++ lib/matplotlib/  15 Sep 2005 08:16:25 -0000
@@ -367,6 +367,12 @@
         path = os.environ['MATPLOTLIBDATA']
         if os.path.isdir(path): return path

+    try:
+        import pkg_resources
+        return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'data')
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
     path = os.path.join(distutils.sysconfig.PREFIX, 'share', 'matplotlib')
     if os.path.isdir(path): return path

And add the appropriate package_data argument to setup() in . -- Robert Kern

complains about cheetah-template not being found, and requires you to "Press ENTER to Continue". Apart from this, appears to install correctly. (The templates are intended to be compiled to .py files, which are then installed as part of the normal setup() process. But, it comes with pre-compiled versions of the templates, so it works fine except for the "press enter" thing.)
peak test fails with an "IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory" because RuleDispatch-0.5a0dev_r2083, an egg on which PEAK depends, installs as a zip, and the version of docutils included in PEAK isn't zip module savvy. Unzipping the RuleDispatch egg works around the problem.
PIL 1.1.5

The package name is actually Imaging. Use the following command line to install it

easy_install -f Imaging
Pygame 1.7.1
Install works, but fails to install /usr/local/include/python2.3/pygame/* so other C modules from other projects won't compile.
ReportLab-1.20 is in a third-level directory. Also, it tries to second-guess install locations, so even if it ran, it would require some hacking of its data file path munging code in This would probably work fine if it were changed to use the de-facto standard hack for distutils.command.install_data, used by other packages to install data in their package directories.
needs Spread include files already present/installed (might work if so)
Despite being listed on Cheese Shop, I can't get scipy_core to play. I have scipy_core installed from my own svn checkout, but doing pkg_resources.require("scipy_core") results in pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: scipy-core and pkg_resources.require("scipy") results in pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: scipy. I suspect this is because the distribution scipy_core actually installs a package named scipy. (But this doesn't explain whey pkg_resources.require("scipy") fails.) Is there some documentation about how pkg_resources actually finds packages? I want to allow other packages to say install-requires=['scipy_core>=0.6']
I'm the maintainer of the dist. We had a py2exe binary list at with the name and source dist in transitfeed-1.0.7.tar.gz. easy_install running in linux downloaded the zip instead of the tar.gz on the project homepage and the tar.gz on PyPI. It would be nice if easy_install was a little more clever in def find(req). For example, if two files look like the some version take the one on the index page. When not running on windows try to avoid .zip files. A guide to naming files to best avoid false matches would be nice.
The name of the package isn't parseable, I guess: (well, the package isn't actually setup with distutils; but easy_install bails out before it gets that far. Maybe PyPI should reject names like that.
setup aborts, demanding that zope.interface be installed (maybe they will replace w/egg dependency in future?)
Twisted 2.1.0

setup fails, with text:

AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'name'

Basically this is because they use an extension mechanism that isn't supported by easy_install; see for more information.

Zope Page Templates ( 1.4

non-conventional layout (the file is in the base python package). Package at -- the setup file looks like this:

from distutils.core import setup

   name = 'ZopePageTemplates',
   maintainer = 'Kevin Smith',
   maintainer_email = '',
   description = 'Zope Page Templates',

   extra_path = 'ZopePageTemplates',
   packages = ['.','TAL','ZTUtils'],

I'm guessing the extra_path part causes problems. It gets installed with no ZopePageTemplate package, instead it's all top-level packages. Well, maybe eggs are actually doing the right thing; but I've become so used to using --install-lib=... to install packages, and the ZopePageTemplates.pth statements gets ignored in that case, that I expect it to be contained in a package even though the setup file isn't really saying to do that. Hrm.

(PJE: This installer is hideously broken, as it aliases its contained packages onto sys.path; the correct and documented way to specify the behavior the author apparently desires would be:

packages = ['ZopePageTemplates', 'ZopePageTemplates.TAL', 'ZopePageTemplates.ZTUtils'],
package_dir = {'ZopePageTemplates':'.'},

without specifying an extra_path. This format would work fine with EasyInstall, but unfortunately EasyInstall cannot work around broken setup scripts. :(

Maybe the user should be advised that under Linux it should run instead of easy_install. Also the script easy_install.pyc gets installed into /usr/bin, it should be installed without execute mode or else when we are using bash it will appear in the $PATH.

Under Debian - and its derivatives - the package python-dev must be installed.

The user should also be explain that usually must be run with root previleges.

Anything With MinGW (and Cygwin?)

When building with MinGW/msys on Windows, I've always found that to compile/install source Python packages with C extensions, I need to do:

python build -cmingw32
python install --skip-build

EasyInstall doesn't know that that's required, and as such, I can't put together any eggs with C extensions.

As an example, I tried to EasyInstall the up-to-the-minute PEAK tarball, and got:

Downloading c:/temp/PEAK.tar.gz
Installing PEAK.tar.gz
error: Setup script exited with error: Python was built with version 7.1 of Visual Studio,
and extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.

That's the same error I get with any source C extension that I try to build with a standard install, and is the reason I need to compile in two steps as shown above

-- JayParlar

Jay, you need to edit your c:/Python2x/Lib/distutils/distutils.cfg file, and put the following into it:

compiler = mingw32

The distutils will then know that's what compiler you use, and you won't need to do two steps, with or without EasyInstall. (By the way, files can take multiple commands, so you could also have been using "python build -cmingw32 install" and you wouldn't have needed the --skip-build; that's the recipe I used to use before I found out about distutils.cfg. Anyway, builds that are run under EasyInstall support all the normal ways to specify distutils options, including the configuration files. See also the docs on Distutils Configuration Files in Python's manual for Installing Python Modules.

-- PJE

On Debian

On debian there is the policy of putting packages managed by dpkg/apt in /usr and locally installed stuff in /usr/local. python on debian therefor creates a /usr/local/pythonX.Y/site-packages for locally installed packages. When I use to install easyinstall or I would have to specifiy --install-dir and --script-dir each time to follow the policy. Any ideas how we can make it install in the right place with extra args? -- Myers Carpenter 2005-07-21T16:35:25

Edit your ~/.pydistutils.cfg to include the following:



-- Robert Kern

Catch-22 trying to follow Custom Installation Locations procedure

Using the recommended approach of Creating a "Virtual" Python gave me an error when running

$ python --help
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 5, in ?
    import sys, os, optparse, shutil
    ImportError: No module named optparse

So apparently I need to install the optparse module, which would have to be in a custom installation location since I'm not root, in order to install modules in custom installation locations. Catch-22. Am I missing something? My host ( has python 2.2.3 installed, and I do not have control over when they upgrade.

(Your problem is that you have Python 2.2, which is not supported. Setuptools requires Python 2.3 or better, with 2.3.5 being preferred.)

Easy_Install Python 2.4.3 doesn't match name of earlier version correctly.

$ easy_install Python-2.4.3

Searching for python


Couldn't find index page for 'python' (maybe misspelled?)

Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)




Best match: Python 2.5


Similar output for Python 2.4.3, python-2.4.3, etc.

Easy_Install Fails to Match versions on FTP Server Lists

Easy_Install does not parse source distribution(sdist) file versions properly under FTP. It tries to read FTP file listings, but fails.


For example, Easy_Install can't find python-memcached version 1.39 in the FTP list. There is a python-memcached-1.39.tar.gz in FTP, referred by PyPI:

$ easy_install python-memcached==1.39
Searching for python-memcached==1.39
No local packages or download links found for python-memcached==1.39
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('python-memcached==1.39')

Without any version limitation, it does find that same python-memcached as the "latest". There is a python-memcached-latest.tar.gz found in FTP:

$ easy_install 'python-memcached'
Searching for python-memcached
Best match: python-memcached latest
Installed /home/adroffne/python-work/try-distutils/test-site/lib/python_memcached-1.39-py2.5.egg

(The actual issue is that setuptools.package_index cannot convert FTP directory listings into URLs.)

Installing on Fedora (Core 7)

I installed amara on FC7 and fell foul of the selinux security package.

This is the log entry from selinux.

SummarySELinux is preventing the python from using potentially mislabeled files (/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Amara-

Detailed Description

SELinux has denied python access to potentially mislabeled file(s) (/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Amara-

This means that SELinux will not allow python to use these files. It is common for users to edit files in their home directory or tmp directories and then move (mv) them to system directories. The problem is that the files end up with the wrong file context which confined applications are not allowed to access.

Allowing Access

If you want python to access this files, you need to relabel them using restorecon -v /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Amara- You might want to relabel the entire directory using restorecon -R -v /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages.

I guess this could happen with easy_install on any package in a Fedora system? No mention of it whilst installing? Might be good to let users know.

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