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(Note also that expression objects aren't required to have a ``branch_table()``
method; that's just an implementation detail of the demos in this document.
method; that's just an implementation detail of the demos in this document.)
Computing Selectivity and Building Nodes

    subclass to handle reseeds differently.
    Return a list of ``(seed, (inc, exc)`` tuples, where ``inc`` and ``exc``
    Return a list of ``(seed, (inc, exc))`` tuples, where ``inc`` and ``exc``
    are integer case lists. This method is for debugging and testing only.

All of the criterion objects provided by ``peak.rules.criteria`` have
``BitmapIndex`` subclasses suitable for indexing them::
    >>> from peak.rules.criteria import Value, Range, IsObject, Class, Classes
    >>> from peak.rules.criteria import Value, Range, IsObject, Class, Conjunction
To demonstrate them, we'll use a dummy engine object::

    >>> ind.add_case(1, ppne)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets())
    {...: [[0], [1]], None: [[1], [0]]}
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {id(p): [[0], [1]], None: [[1], [0]]}
    >>> ind.selectivity([1])
    (2, 1)

    >>> ind.selectivity([0,1])
    (2, 2)
    >>> ind.add_case(2, IsObject(object()))
    >>> q = object()
    >>> ind.add_case(2, IsObject(q))
    >>> ind.selectivity([1]) # now it's (3,2) instead of (2,1) or (3,1)
    (3, 2)

    >>> ind.selectivity([0]) # 'is' pointers are always 1
    (3, 1)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... None: [[1], [0, 2]], id(p): [[0], [1]], id(q): [[1, 2], []],
    ... }
    >>> from peak.rules.core import intersect
    >>> ind.add_case(3, intersect(ppne, IsObject(q,False)))
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... None: [[1, 3], [0, 2]], id(p): [[0], [1, 3]], id(q): [[1, 2], [3]],
    ... }
    >>> r = object()
    >>> ind.add_case(4, IsObject(r))
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... None: [[1, 3], [0, 2, 4]], id(p): [[0], [1, 3]],
    ... id(q): [[1, 2], [3]], id(r): [[1, 3, 4], []]
    ... }

    >>> ind.selectivity([2])
    (3, 1)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... int: [[0], [2]], object: [[2], []], myint: [[0, 1], [2]]
    ... int: [[0], []], object: [[2], []], myint: [[0, 1], []]
    ... }

    (4, 2)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... int: [[0], [2]], object: [[2], []], other: [[3], []],
    ... myint: [[0, 1], [2]]
    ... int: [[0], []], object: [[2], []], other: [[2, 3], []],
    ... myint: [[0, 1], []]
    ... }
    # the default cases should include all of the "not isinstance" criteria
    >>> list(from_bits(ind.seed_bits(to_bits(range(4)))[0]))
Multiple Classes
``Classes`` objects hold sets of 2 or more ``Class`` criteria, and represent
the "and" of those criteria. This is the most complex type of criteria to
index, because there's no easy way to incrementally update a set intersection::
``Conjunction`` objects can hold sets of 2 or more ``Class`` criteria, and
represent the "and" of those criteria. This is the most complex type of
criteria to index, because there's no easy way to incrementally update a set
    >>> class a(object): pass
    >>> class b(object): pass

    >>> ind = TypeIndex(eng, 'classes')
    >>> ind.add_case(0, Classes([Class(a), Class(b)]))
    >>> ind.add_case(0, Conjunction([Class(a), Class(b)]))
    >>> ind.selectivity([0])
    (3, 0)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {

    >>> ind.add_case(2, Classes([Class(a), Class(b), Class(c, False)]))
    >>> ind.add_case(2, Conjunction([Class(a), Class(b), Class(c, False)]))
    >>> ind.selectivity([2])
    (4, 0)

    >>> ind.selectivity([0]) # c, e
    (6, 2)
    (5, 2)
    >>> ind.selectivity([2])
    (6, 1)
    (5, 1)
    >>> ind.selectivity([3])
    (6, 1)
    (5, 1)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a: [[], []], b: [[], []], c: [[0, 1], []], object: [[], []],
    ... d: [[], []], e: [[0, 2, 3], []]
    ... e: [[0, 2, 3], []]
    ... }
    >>> ind.add_case(4, Class(f))
    >>> ind.selectivity([0]) # c, e, f
    (7, 3)
    (6, 3)
    >>> ind.selectivity([2])
    (7, 1)
    (6, 1)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a: [[], []], b: [[], []], c: [[0, 1], []], object: [[], []],
    ... d: [[], []], e: [[0, 2, 3], []], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], []]
    ... e: [[0, 2, 3], []], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], []]
    ... }
    >>> ind.add_case(5, Class(g))
    >>> ind.selectivity([0]) # c, e, f, g
    (8, 4)
    (7, 4)
    >>> ind.selectivity([2]) # still just 'e'
    (8, 1)
    (7, 1)
    >>> Classes([Class(d, False), Class(e, False)])
    >>> Conjunction([Class(d, False), Class(e, False)])
    Class(<class 'd'>, False)
    >>> ind.add_case(6, Classes([Class(d, False), Class(e, False)]))
    >>> ind.add_case(6, Conjunction([Class(d, False), Class(e, False)]))
    >>> ind.selectivity([6]) # all but d, e, f
    (8, 5)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a: [[], []], b: [[], []], c: [[0, 1], []], object: [[6], []],
    ... d: [[], [6]], e: [[0, 2, 3], [6]], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], [6]], g: [[0, 1, 5], []]
    ... a: [[6], []], b: [[6], []], c: [[0, 1, 6], []], object: [[6], []],
    ... d: [[], []], e: [[0, 2, 3], []], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], []],
    ... g: [[0, 1, 5, 6], []],
    ... }
    # the default cases should include all of the "not isinstance" criteria
    >>> list(from_bits(ind.seed_bits(to_bits(range(7)))[0]))

information for the new ``x`` class::
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a: [[], []], b: [[], []], c: [[0, 1], []], object: [[6], []],
    ... d: [[], [6]], e: [[0, 2, 3], [6]], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], [6]], g: [[0, 1, 5], []],
    ... x: [[0, 2], []]
    ... a: [[6], []], b: [[6], []], c: [[0, 1, 6], []], object: [[6], []],
    ... d: [[], []], e: [[0, 2, 3], []], f: [[0, 1, 3, 4], []],
    ... g: [[0, 1, 5, 6], []], x: [[0, 2, 6], []]
    ... }

    (3, 4)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a:[[0, 2], []],
    ... b:[[], [1]],
    ... a:[[0, 1, 2], []],
    ... b:[[], []],
    ... object:[[1], []]
    ... }

    (3, 6)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a:[[0, 2], [3]],
    ... b:[[], [1]],
    ... a:[[0, 1, 2], []],
    ... b:[[3], []],
    ... object:[[1, 3], []]
    ... }
    >>> ind.add_case(4, Classes([Class(a), istype(c, False)]))
    >>> ind.add_case(4, Conjunction([Class(a), istype(c, False)]))
    >>> ind.selectivity([4])
    (4, 1)
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a:[[0, 2, 4], [3]],
    ... b:[[], [1]],
    ... c:[[2], [3]],
    ... a:[[0, 1, 2, 4], []],
    ... b:[[3], []],
    ... c:[[1, 2], []],
    ... object:[[1, 3], []]
    ... }

    >>> ind.reseed(Class(e))
    >>> dict(ind.expanded_sets()) == {
    ... a:[[0, 2, 4], [3]],
    ... b:[[], [1]],
    ... c:[[2], [3]],
    ... d:[[], []],
    ... e:[[2, 4], [3]],
    ... a:[[0, 1, 2, 4], []],
    ... b:[[3], []],
    ... c:[[1, 2], []],
    ... e:[[1, 2, 4], []],
    ... object:[[1, 3], []]
    ... }
    >>> ind.add_case(5, istype(object))
    # the default cases should include all of the "not isinst/type" criteria
    >>> list(from_bits(ind.seed_bits(to_bits(range(6)))[0]))
    [1, 3]

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