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Differences between version dated 2010-08-10 17:49:25 and 2010-08-17 19:58:51 (spanning 4 versions)
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PEAK-Rules works with Python 2.3 and up -- just omit the ``@`` signs if your
code needs to run under 2.3. Also, note that with PEAK-Rules, *any* function
can be generic: you don't have to predeclare a function as generic. (The
``abstract`` decorator is used to declare a function with no *default* method.)
``abstract`` decorator is used to declare a function with no *default* method;
i.e., one that will give a ``NoApplicableMethods`` if no rules match the
arguments it's invoked with, as opposed to executing a default implementation.)
PEAK-Rules is still under development; it lacks much in the way of error
checking, so if you mess up your rules, it may not be obvious where or how you
did. User documentation is also lacking, although there are extensive doctests
describing most of its internals.
describing and testing most of its internals, including:
* `Introduction`_ (Method combination, porting from RuleDispatch)
* `Core Design Overview`_ (Terminology, method precedence, etc.)
* The `Basic AST Builder`_ and advanced `Code Generation`_
* `Criteria`_, `Indexing`_, and `Predicates`_
* `Syntax pattern matching`_
(Please note that these documents are still in a state of flux and some may
still be incomplete or disorganized, prior to the first official release.)
Source distribution snapshots are generated daily, but you can also update
directly from the `development version`_ in SVN.
.. _development version: svn://
.. _Introduction:
.. _Core Design Overview:
.. _Predicates:
.. _Basic AST Builder:
.. _Code Generation:
.. _Criteria:
.. _Indexing:
.. _Predicates:
.. _Syntax pattern matching:
.. _toc:
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**

    Adding overdraft fee of $25
    Transferring 45 from overdraft protection
Custom Method Types
Sometimes, if you're defining a generic function whose job is to classify
things, it can get to be a pain defining a bunch of functions or lambdas just
to return a few values -- especially if the generic function has a complex
signature! So ``peak.rules`` provides a convenience function, ``value()``
for doing this::
    >>> from peak.rules import value
    >>> value(42)
If the standard before/after/around/when decorators don't work for your
application, you can create custom ones by defining your own "method types".
    >>> value(42)('whatever')
    >>> classify = abstract(lambda age:None)
``peak.rules.implies()`` and ``peak.rules.overrides()`` are the generic
functions used to define implication relationships and method overriding, and
they are user-extensible. There are two different engines available: one that
only handles type tuples, and one that supports arbitrary predicates. Using
a string as a condition automatically upgrades a function's engine from one
type to the other.
    >>> when(classify, "age<2")(value("infant"))
    >>> when(classify, "age<13")(value("preteen"))
Here's an example of a "pricing rules" generic function that accomodates tax
and discounts as well as upcharges. (Don't worry if you don't understand it at
first glance; we'll go over the individual parts in detail later.)::
    >>> when(classify, "age<5")(value("preschooler"))
    >>> from peak.rules import Method, MethodList
    >>> from peak.rules import always_overrides, combine_actions
    >>> when(classify, "age<20")(value("teenager"))
    >>> class DiscountMethod(Method):
    ... """Subtract a discount"""
    >>> when(classify, "age>=20")(value("adult"))
    >>> when(classify, "age>=55")(value("senior"))
    >>> when(classify, "age==16")(value("sweet sixteen"))
    value('sweet sixteen')
    >>> classify(17)
    >>> classify(42)
Method Combination
The ``combine_using()`` decorator marks a function as yielding its method
results (most-specific to least-specific, with later-defined methods taking
precedence), and optionally specifies how the resulting iteration will be
    >>> from peak.rules import combine_using
Let's take a look at how it works, by trying it with different ways of
postprocessing on an example generic function. We'll start by defining a
function to recreate a generic function with the same set of methods, so
you can see what happens when we pass different arguments to ``combine_using``::
    >>> class A: pass
    >>> class B(A): pass
    >>> class C(A, B): pass
    >>> class D(B, A): pass
    >>> def demo(*args):
    ... """We'll be setting this function up multiple times, so we do it in
    ... a function. In normal code, you won't need this outer function!
    ... """
    ... @combine_using(*args)
    ... def func(ob):
    ... return "default"
    ... def override(self, other):
    ... if self.__class__ == other.__class__:
    ... return self.override(other.tail) # drop the other one
    ... return self.tail_with(combine_actions(self.tail, other))
    ... when(func, (object,))(value("object"))
    ... when(func, (int,)) (value("int"))
    ... when(func, (str,)) (value("str"))
    ... when(func, (A,)) (value("A"))
    ... when(func, (B,)) (value("B"))
    ... def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
    ... price = self.tail(*args, **kw)
    ... return price - self.body(*args, **kw) * price
    ... return func
    >>> discount_when = DiscountMethod.make_decorator(
    ... "discount_when", "Add the result of this calculation"
    ... )
In the simplest case, you can just call ``@combine_using()`` with no arguments,
and get a generic function that yields the results returned by its methods,
in order from most-specific to least-specific::
    >>> class AddMethod(MethodList):
    ... """Add the calculated values"""
    ... def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
    ... return sum(body(*args, **kw) for sig,prec,body in self.items)
    >>> func = demo()
    >>> add_when = AddMethod.make_decorator(
    ... "add_when", "Add the result of this calculation"
    ... )
    >>> list(func(A()))
    ['A', 'object', 'default']
    >>> always_overrides(DiscountMethod, AddMethod)
    >>> always_overrides(AddMethod, Method)
    >>> list(func(42))
    ['int', 'object', 'default']
The ``make_decorator()`` method of ``Method`` objects lets you create decorators
similar to ``when()`` et al.
In the event of ambiguity between methods, methods defined later are called
    >>> list(func(C()))
    ['B', 'A', 'object', 'default']
We can now use these decorators to implement a generic function::
    >>> list(func(D()))
    ['B', 'A', 'object', 'default']
    >>> @abstract()
    ... def getPrice(product,customer=None,options=()):
Passing a function to ``@combine_using()``, however, makes it wrap the result
iterator with that function, e.g.::
    >>> func = demo(list)
    >>> func(A())
    ['A', 'object', 'default']
While including ``abstract`` anywhere in the wrapper sequence makes the
function abstract (i.e., it omits the original function's body from the defined
    >>> func = demo(abstract, list)
    >>> func(A()) # 'default' isn't included any more:
    ['A', 'object']
You can also include more than one function in the wrapper list, and they
will be called on the result iterator, first function outermost, ignoring
any ``abstract`` in the sequence::
    >>> func = demo(str.title, ' '.join)
    >>> func(B())
    'B A Object Default'
    >>> func = demo(str.title, abstract, ' '.join)
    >>> func(B())
    'B A Object'
Some stdlib functions you might find useful for ``combine_using()`` include:
* ``itertools.chain``
* ``sorted``
* ``reversed``
* ``list``
* ``set``
* ``"".join`` (or other string)
* ``any``
* ``all``
* ``sum``
* ``min``
* ``max``
(And of course, you can write and use arbitrary functions of your own.)
By the way, when using "around" methods with a method combination, the
innermost ``next_method`` will return the *fully processed* combination of
all the "when" methods, with the "before/after" methods running before and
after the result is returned::
    >>> from peak.rules import before, after, around
    >>> def b(ob): print "before"
    >>> def a(ob): print "after"
    >>> def ar(next_method, ob):
    ... print "entering around"
    ... print next_method(ob)
    ... print "leaving around"
    >>> b = before(func, ())(b)
    >>> a = after(func, ())(a)
    >>> ar = around(func, ())(ar)
    >>> func(B())
    entering around
    B A Object
    leaving around
Custom Method Types
If the standard before/after/around/when/combine_using decorators don't work
for your application, you can create custom ones by defining your own "method
types" and decorators.
Suppose, for example, that you are using a "pricing rules" generic function
that operates by summing its methods' return values to produce a total::
    >>> @combine_using(sum)
    ... def getPrice(product, customer=None, options=()):
    ... """Get this product's price"""
    ... return 0 # base price for arbitrary items
    >>> class Product:
    ... @add_when(getPrice)
    ... def __addBasePrice(product,customer,options):
    ... @when(getPrice)
    ... def __addBasePrice(self, customer, options):
    ... """Always include the product's base price"""
    ... return product.base_price
    ... return self.base_price
    >>> @when(getPrice, "'blue suede' in options")
    ... def blueSuedeUpcharge(product,customer,options):
    ... return 24
    >>> getPrice("arbitrary thing")
    >>> shoes = Product()
    >>> shoes.base_price = 42

    >>> getPrice(shoes)
And then we can create some pricing rules::
    >>> getPrice(shoes, options=['blue suede'])
    >>> @add_when(getPrice, "'blue suede' in options")
    ... def blueSuedeUpcharge(product,customer,options):
    ... return 24
This is useful, sure, but what if you also want to be able to compute discounts
or tax as a percentage of the total, rather than as flat additional amounts?
We can do this by implementing a custom "method type" and a corresponding
decorator, to let us mark rules as computing a discount instead of a flat
We'll start by defining the template that will be used to generate our
method's implementation.
This format for method templates is taken from the DecoratorTools package's
``@template_method`` decorator. ``$args`` is used in places where the original
generic function's calling signature is needed, and all local variables should
be named so as not to conflict with possible argument names. The first
argument of the template method will be the generic function the method is
being used with, and all other arguments are defined by the method type's
In our case, we'll need two arguments: one for the "body" (the discount
method being decorated) and one for the "next method" that will be called to
get the base price::
    >>> def discount_template(__func, __body, __next_method):
    ... return """
    ... __price = __next_method($args)
    ... return __price - (__body($args) * __price)
    ... """
Okay, that's the easy bit. Now we need to define a bunch of other stuff to
turn it into a method type and a decorator::
    >>> from peak.rules.core import Around, MethodList, compile_method, \
    ... combine_actions
    >>> class DiscountMethod(Around):
    ... """Subtract a discount"""
    ... def override(self, other):
    ... if self.__class__ == other.__class__:
    ... return self.override(other.tail) # drop the other one
    ... return self.tail_with(combine_actions(self.tail, other))
    ... def compiled(self, engine):
    ... body = compile_method(self.body, engine)
    ... next = compile_method(self.tail, engine)
    ... return engine.apply_template(discount_template, body, next)
    >>> discount_when = DiscountMethod.make_decorator(
    ... "discount_when", "Discount price by the returned multiplier"
    ... )
    >>> DiscountMethod >> MethodList # mark precedence
    <class 'peak.rules.core.MethodList'>
The ``make_decorator()`` method of ``Method`` objects lets you create
decorators similar to ``when()``, that we can now use to add a discount::
    >>> @discount_when(getPrice,
    ... "customer=='Elvis' and 'blue suede' in options and product is shoes"

    ... def ElvisGetsTenPercentOff(product,customer,options):
    ... return .1
    >>> @add_when(getPrice)
    ... def everything_else_is_free(product, customer, options):
    ... return 0
And try them out::
    >>> getPrice("something")
    >>> getPrice(shoes)
    >>> getPrice(shoes, options=['blue suede'])
    >>> print getPrice(shoes, 'Elvis',options=['blue suede'])
    >>> print getPrice(shoes, 'Elvis', options=['blue suede'])
    >>> getPrice(shoes, 'Elvis') # no suede, no discount!
    This is still pretty hard; but without some real-world use cases for
    custom methods, it's hard to tell how to streamline the common cases.
Porting Code from RuleDispatch

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