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Version as of 2003-12-09 21:43:18

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By R. David Murray (rdmurray at (w/edits by PJE)


There's a long tradition of teaching programmers how to use programming systems via "Hello, World!" examples. Why should PEAK be left out? I'm going to try to develop a series of stripped-to-the-essentials examples here that provide complete working PEAK programs that demonstrate some of the basic services provided by PEAK. Don't expect to find deep knowledge here; this article is intended to help you get over the first hump of using PEAK, while giving you a little bit of its "flavor".

We'll be using a Unixish command shell for our examples. The percent sign (%) will be used to indicate a command prompt.

(Note to Windows users: if you're not using a Unix-like shell (e.g. Cygwin/Bash), you'll need to change the command lines used here. For example, peak foo bar will become something like c:\Python22\Python.exe c:\Python22\peak foo bar. None of the #! lines will work for you, either, and to set environment variables like PYTHONPATH, you'll need to use SET instead of export, and so on. However, there's nothing Unix-specific about the framework or examples, and your applications will still run on Windows. It's just that the standard Windows shell doesn't offer as many conveniences in these areas. If you have trouble running the examples on Windows, write up your question on the PEAK mailing list, and we'll try to get these examples updated with more Windows-specific command lines.)

(Note to all readers: the examples in this document have been tested against PEAK CVS. The examples will not work with 0.5 alpha 2. There could also be synchronization errors between the examples and the test code, so if you find something that doesn't work as advertised when run against current CVS, please let me know.)

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