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By R. David Murray (rdmurray at (w/edits by PJE)


There's a long tradition of teaching programmers how to use programming systems via "Hello, World!" examples. Why should PEAK be left out? I'm going to try to develop a series of stripped-to-the-essentials examples here that provide complete working PEAK programs that demonstrate some of the basic services provided by PEAK. Don't expect to find deep knowledge here; this article is intended to help you get over the first hump of using PEAK, while giving you a little bit of its "flavor".

We'll be using a Unixish command shell for our examples. The percent sign (%) will be used to indicate a command prompt.

(Note to Windows users: if you're not using a Unix-like shell (e.g. Cygwin/Bash), you'll need to change the command lines used here. For example, peak foo bar will become something like c:\Python22\Python.exe c:\Python22\peak foo bar. None of the #! lines will work for you, either, and to set environment variables like PYTHONPATH, you'll need to use SET instead of export, and so on. However, there's nothing Unix-specific about the framework or examples, and your applications will still run on Windows. It's just that the standard Windows shell doesn't offer as many conveniences in these areas. If you have trouble running the examples on Windows, write up your question on the PEAK mailing list, and we'll try to get these examples updated with more Windows-specific command lines.)

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Configuration
    1. Introduction
    2. Running helloworld under PEAK
    3. ".ini" Files and the "runIni" Command
    4. Executable Configuration Files
    5. Making the Application Object Configurable
    6. Binding attributes to configuration
    7. Points to Remember
  2. Command Arguments and Simple Database Access
    1. Command Arguments
    2. Domain Models
    3. Data Managers
      1. Loading data from the flat file
      2. Building the Data Manager subclass
    4. Putting it all Together
    5. Points to Remember
  3. Multiple Commands and Writable Databases
    1. Introduction
    2. AbstractInterpreter and Bootstrap
    3. Storing a New Message: the Subcommand
    4. Storing a New Message: Modifying the Data Manager
    5. Oh no, a bug!
    6. Exploring the rest of PEAK

1 Basic Configuration

1.1 Introduction

At base, a PEAK program is a Python program. PEAK is a toolkit and framework, which means it provides stuff you can use in your Python programs to get things done more easily and more quickly, and usually more elegantly.

So, the simplest PEAK "Hello, world!" program is also, in a trivial sense, the Python "Hello, world!" program:

    1 print "Hello, World!"
This, however, is not very interesting.

One of the things PEAK provides is a framework for giving application programs easy access to their associated configuration data. The goal of this first chapter will be to show how to turn the output of the simple "Hello, world!" program into a configured string. I'm going to get us there step by step, keeping the program in a runnable state at each step (except the first!)

1.2 Running helloworld under PEAK

Let's start by introducing the peak command. For convenience in starting PEAK applications, the peak.running package provides a peak command-line script, that is installed alongside Python when you install PEAK. We'll use the peak script to invoke our application. First, just type:

at your shell prompt, and see what comes up. You should receive a usage message, something like:
Usage: peak NAME_OR_URL arguments... 
The 'peak' script bootstraps and runs a specified command object or command 
class.  The NAME_OR_URL argument may be a shortcut name defined in the 
'peak.running.shortcuts' property namespace, or a URL of a type 
supported by 'peak.naming'.  For example, if you have a class 'MyAppClass' 
defined in 'MyPackage', you can use: 
    peak import:MyPackage.MyAppClass 
to invoke it.  Arguments to the found object are shifted left one position, 
so in the example above it will see 'import:MyPackage.MyAppClass' as its 
The named object must implement one of the 'peak.running' command interfaces, 
or be callable.  See the 'Bootstrap' class in 'peak.running.commands' for 
more details on creating command objects for use with 'peak'.  For the 
list of available shortcut names, see '/usr/lib/python/site-packages/peak/peak.ini'. 

(The last line will list the actual path to peak.ini on your system.)

Okay, that looks helpful, although the stuff about command interfaces and shortcuts is perhaps a little intimidating. For now, we'll stick to the easy part, where it said we could use a callable! Let's make a helloworld module, with a HelloWorld function, in

    1 def HelloWorld():
    2     print "Hello, world!"

Can we run it with the peak script now? Let's try it:

% peak import:helloworld.HelloWorld 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "C:\Python22\Scripts\peak", line 7, in ? 
  File "C:\cygwin\home\pje\PEAK\src\peak\running\", line 303, in __call__ 
    return cmd.interpret(cmd.argv[1]) 
  File "C:\cygwin\home\pje\PEAK\src\peak\running\", line 624, in interpret 
    raise InvocationError("Name not found: %s" % name) 
peak.running.commands.InvocationError: Name not found: import:helloworld:HelloWorld 

Oops. What's wrong? Oh, wait, since helloworld is a module, not a script, it needs to be on the PYTHONPATH. Let's fix that:

% export PYTHONPATH=. 
% peak import:helloworld.HelloWorld 
Hello, world! 

Nice! But we said we were going to make the message configurable. To do that, we're going to use the peak runIni command.

1.3 ".ini" Files and the "runIni" Command

runIni is one of the built-in "shortcut" commands that were alluded to in the peak script's usage message. It takes the argument following runIni, and loads it as a configuration file. Take a moment now to type peak runIni, and look at the usage message:

Usage: peak runIni CONFIG_FILE arguments... 
CONFIG_FILE should be a file in the format used by 'peak.ini'.  (Note that 
it does not have to be named with an '.ini' extension.)  The file should 
define a 'running.IExecutable' for the value of its '' 
property.  The specified 'IExecutable' will then be run with the remaining 
command-line arguments. 

Okay, there's that business about executable command interfaces again, but we won't let that put us off because we know we can get away with using a function for now.

So, now we know we need an .ini-format file, with a property. But it doesn't have to actually be named with .ini, so let's just call our configuration file helloworld:

app = importString("helloworld.HelloWorld") 

(Note to experienced Pythonistas: PEAK does not use the Python ConfigParser module to parse .ini files, so don't assume that you can use ConfigParser syntax or semantics here. To meet PEAK's configuration requirements, both the syntax and semantics needed to be different from those supplied by ConfigParser.)

How did we know to format the file this way? Well, we looked at the peak.ini file, of course, and learned by example. Here we've defined a configuration rule for the property named The rule says (in effect), "when someone asks for the property, call the PEAK importString function on the string "helloworld.HelloWorld", and return the value.

The importString() function acts like a Python import statement, such that importString("x.y.z") is equivalent to from x.y import z. Thus, the importString() line of the config file shown above is roughly equivalent to:

    from helloworld import HelloWorld as app 

The reason we say "roughly" is that PEAK configuration files aren't executed the way Python code is. Properties in the configuration file are not Python assignment statements: they're rules that supply a Python expression whose value is computed only when the property is looked up. When the configuration file is loaded, the expressions are read, but not executed. Indeed, if the property is never looked up, the expression is never evaluated at all.

This can be a big advantage over using a Python script for configuration, since you can create a shared .ini file that describes properties used by several applications. Even if some of those properties might involve a time-consuming operation such as opening a database connection, only the applications that actually use the property will pay the cost of computing it.

Indeed, this allows you to use a single site-wide configuration file to provide configuration for all of your PEAK-based applications, using the PEAK_CONFIG environment variable to point to the file. Of course, the applications can't use property names that conflict with other applications' property names. But, there are many configuration properties used by PEAK that you may wish to share across multiple applications, such as logging rules, naming services, and command shortcuts, to name just a few. Property definitions supplied by application-specific configuration files will of course override any definitions in the site-wide configuration defaults.

Anyway, we now have a configuration file for our application, trivial as it is so far. Let's try it out:

% peak runIni helloworld 
Hello, world! 

Looks like it still works.

By the way, just as a side note, if an application object like our HelloWorld function returns a value, that value has significance. If the value is an integer (or None), it will be used as the return code from the peak script, and of our command line as a whole. If it is not an integer, it will be echoed to the terminal, and 1 will be used as the return code from the peak script. If you want, try this out now by adding various return statements to your and checking the exit code from the peak script in your shell.

1.4 Executable Configuration Files

The configuration file for a complex application is often central to that application. Under Unix-like command shells, PEAK allows configuration files to be the "executable" file of the application, the file whose name is entered at the console to invoke the program. This is done using the "magic cookie" of the unix shell:

#!/usr/bin/env peak runIni 
app = importString('helloworld:HellowWorld') 
This uses the Unix utility env to find the peak command in the current PATH, and calls it. peak then parses the file just like it does when called via peak runIni [file] from the command line. (Note the configuration file must also be made executable with chmod +x helloworld if you're using a Unix-like OS, as opposed to just a Unix-like shell.)

Python still needs imported modules to be on the PYTHONPATH, though, so you have to call this helloworld file like this:

% PYTHONPATH=. ./helloworld 
(Or else set the PYTHONPATH separately, as we did earlier. In that case, you can just run ./helloworld. Try it now.)

In a real application, you could of course install your modules in a directory on the system PYTHONPATH (such as in the Python site-packages directory), thus enabling your command to simply be called by name, without setting any pesky environment variables.

If you can't arrange for the package to be on the system PYTHONPATH, or you don't want it to be there, you have a couple of different options. For example, you might change the "magic cookie" line to read:

#!/usr/bin/env PYTHONPATH=/where/my/modules/are peak runIni 

But this doesn't work on operating systems that treat the entire #! line as a single command argument. For those operating systems, you might write a short shell script instead. In this case you might call the config file helloworld.ini, since the shell script will be called helloworld. If helloworld.ini and are in the same directory as the helloworld script, the script might look like this:

here=`dirname $0` 
PYTHONPATH=$here peak runIni $here/helloworld.ini 
Of course, in a real app you'd probably put the script in your /usr/local/bin directory or equivalent and the module files in some special directory, and replace $here with the actual path to those module files.

We're going to assume from here on out that you've got your system configured to run the helloworld example when you type ./helloworld. You can do that by making helloworld an executable in one of the ways we've described, or you can just cheat and type peak runIni helloworld everywhere we say to type ./helloworld.

1.5 Making the Application Object Configurable

Okay, enough messing around with application deployment issues, and on to configuration. Let's move the "Hello world" message into the configuration file.

The configration file follows .ini format, which means you have "sections" in square brackets followed by lines that set values for various names within the section. PEAK doesn't place many restrictions on what sections or property names can appear in an .ini file, so we can pretty much choose whatever section name and property names we want, as long as they're valid Python identifiers.

We'll be very unoriginal and call our configuration section helloworld. (It's generally a good idea to have an application's properties grouped under names that begin with the application name, so they won't conflict with those of other applications.) The text of our message will be placed in the message configuration property:

#!/usr/bin/env peak runIni 
app = importString('helloworld:HellowWorld') 
message = "Hello, world!" 
At this point, you can run helloworld again, and nothing will have changed. PEAK will have loaded the new configuration information we provided, but our program doesn't yet actually use that information.

To use the configuration information we need to obtain it via the PEAK configuration framework. At this point we are actually starting to use PEAK facilities directly in our Python code, so we'll need to import them from the PEAK package. PEAK provides a simple way to access the vast majority of the PEAK facilities through its api module:

from peak.api import * 
This will load into the local namespace a minimal set of names through which all of the PEAK frameworks can be accessed. It uses a lazy import mechanism, so ultimately your program will only end up loading into memory those PEAK facilities it actually uses. (As you might be noticing, "lazy loading" and "lazy evaluation" are recurring themes in PEAK. We'll be running into them over and over again, in this and subsequent chapters.)

In addition, we can no longer use a simple, dumb function object as our application. In order to access the configuration information, the application object must participate in the appropriate PEAK frameworks.

In this case, the framework for a simple command line command such as our helloworld is provided by the AbstractCommand class of the peak.running.commands module (lazily imported for us by peak.api):

class HelloWorld(commands.AbstractCommand): 
An "abstract" class is a base class that cannot be used by itself. To be used, it must be subclassed and certain abstract methods overridden with "real" code in the concrete subclass.

In the case of AbstractCommand, there is only one method we need to override: the _run method, which will do the actual work of our application (and optionally return an exit code, just like our function could). So, without getting into the configurability yet, our complete file would now look like this:

    1 from peak.api import *
    3 class HelloWorld(commands.AbstractCommand):
    5     def _run(self):
    6         print "Hello, world!"
So, again, we can run our program at this point and get the same results as before. But we still haven't used the configuration information. To do that, we need the binding package, to "bind" an attribute of our application to a configuration variable.

1.6 Binding attributes to configuration

Specifically, we will use the Obtain class from the peak.binding package. Obtain, coupled with the PropertyName class, allows us to pull values out of the configuration file:

    message = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.message')) 

Note that this code does not mean, "set message to the configuration property helloworld.message. Instead it means, "when the message attribute of an instance of this class is accessed, obtain the helloworld.message property, and use that as the attribute's value from then on." (See? We told you lazy loading was a recurring theme in PEAK!)

Notice that this means bindings like Obtain are Python "descriptors", similar to the Python built-in type property. So, in order for a binding to be used, it must be placed in a class, and then used from an instance of the class.

Obtain can find things using mechanisms other than PropertyName, but PropertyName is the one we are interested in here. PropertyName is a string subclass, and its constructor takes as its argument the fully qualified property name. By "fully qualified", I mean the name of the section the property is found in, followed by a dot, followed by the rest of the property name. So the message property from our helloworld section becomes the PropertyName helloworld.message.

The PropertyName class ensures that its instances are of valid syntax for use in a configuration file, but that's not the only reason we need to use it. If we gave Obtain an ordinary string, it would not look it up in our configuration file. Instead, it would try to use the string as a URL or a component path -- two ideas we don't need or want to get into right now.

Anyway, when we access our HelloWorld object's message attribute in the _run() method, the binding.Obtain descriptor will look up the configuration property for us. It does this by searching the context in which the instance is located. The peak.running.commands framework will provide us with with such a context automatically, when it creates an instance of our HelloWorld class. (We won't deal with the specifics of this mechanism here; suffice to say that some code we inherit from AbstractCommand will take care of the details for us.)

Let's look at the revised program:

    1 from peak.api import *
    3 class HelloWorld(commands.AbstractCommand):
    5     message = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.message'))
    7     def _run(self):
    8         print self.message
With this version of we are finally using the configuration information provided in the helloworld file. To prove this, first run the helloworld command:
% ./helloworld 
Hello, world! 
Now copy helloworld to hellonewworld and edit it to look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env peak runIni 
app = importString('helloworld.HelloWorld') 
message = "Hello, new world!" 
If you now run this new command:
% ./hellonewworld 
you'll be greeted by our new message:
Hello, new world! 
Although this is a very simple example, it should already be clear that PEAK provides an easy to use and powerful configuration mechanism. Simple use of PropertyName and values provided in config files barely even scratch the surface of what PEAK can do, but even if you used nothing else PEAK would still be useful just for making it easy to write configurable python shell scripts!

1.7 Points to Remember

Before we move on to the next chapter, let's recap the concepts we've covered so far:

2 Command Arguments and Simple Database Access

Now its time to go a tiny step beyond the triviality of the "Hello, world!" example. In this chapter I'll expand the example to handle saying hello to an arbitrary variety of things. Since we want to be flexible. we'll get the greeting message for each thing from a database table. Well, really just a flat file, but that's so we don't get distracted with SQL connections and all that just yet.

In a "real" application, we'd be using SQL or some other robust storage as our "back end". But here we want to focus on the issues of creating an "object-relational mapping", without getting bogged down in the relational part. Unfortunately, this makes the tutorial a bit lopsided, because we'll be building a sophisticated object-relational mapping over data that would've been trivial to use in its original form!

So, try to ignore that part, and focus on the ideas, which scale up to vastly larger applications than what we're showing here.

2.1 Command Arguments

To greet more than one thing, we'll need to be able to tell our command what to greet. Let's rename our command to hello, and give what we want to say hello to as the command argument, e.g.:

% hello world 
% hello fred 
% hello Klause 

If all we want to do is say hello in the same boring way every time, we could revise our file as follows:

    1 from peak.api import *
    3 class HelloWorld(commands.AbstractCommand):
    5     message = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.message'))
    7     def _run(self):
    8         print self.message % self.argv[1]
The corresponding hello file would look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env peak runIni 
app = importString('helloworld.HelloWorld') 
message = "Hello, %s.  How are you today?" 
Now we'll get something like this:
% export PYTHONPATH=. 
% ./hello world 
Hello, world.  How are you today? 
% ./hello fred 
Hello, fred.  How are you today? 
% ./hello, Klause 
Hello, Klause.  How are you today? 

2.2 Domain Models

When working with application data, PEAK uses the concept of a "domain model" for that data. A "domain model" describes the kinds of "problem domain" (i.e. "real-world") objects you're working with, and their relationships to other kinds of objects. In PEAK-speak, the objects are called "Elements", and the relationships are called "Features". Features are implemented as object attributes, using custom descriptors.

To facilitate grabbing data from our database, we'll define a simple Element class, in a file:

    1 from peak.api import *
    3 class Message(model.Element):
    5     class forname(model.Attribute):
    6         referencedType = model.String
    8     class text(model.Attribute):
    9         referencedType = model.String
Here Message is our Element, the thing we are going to load from our database file. forname and text are attributes our Message objects will have once loaded. I think their purposes should be pretty obvious.

You probably noticed immediatly that we are defining classes inside classes here. The nested classes actually create attribute descriptors, similar to the Python built-in property type. However, instead of having to define functions and then wrap them into property object, we can simply subclass a predefined "Feature" type such as model.Attribute, and provide parameters such as referencedType, or define methods to control the feature's behavior.

(Note, by the way, that referencedType does not necessarily refer to the class of the objects or values that will be stored in the attribute. It can also reference an object like model.String, that simply provides metadata describing what values are acceptable for the attribute. For more extensive examples of using Model types, see the bulletins example in the examples directory of the PEAK CVS tree.)

2.3 Data Managers

The domain model by itself is simply a schema, perhaps with some behavior. (For example, we might add a hello() method to our Message class, so that an instance of Message could actually deliver its message directly.)

But, a domain model by itself doesn't know anything about storage. (This is so that we can reuse the domain model with different kinds of storages.) To store and retrieve instances of our domain model classes, we need a Data Manager. Data Managers are responsible for loading and storing the data described by the domain model classes.

For the present example we're only interested in loading data from a "database table". So we'll subclass QueryDM, a class that provides a read-only interface to a datastore:

from peak.api import * 
class MessageDM(storage.QueryDM): 
This class is another abstract class that has to be specialized for our intended use. Specifically, we have to add the code that does the actual reading and writing of data from the model attributes, to and from the external datastore.

To keep our example simple, we'll use a flat file as our external data store. In keeping with PEAK design principles, we won't hardcode the filename into our Data Manager, but will instead make it configurable:

    filename = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.messagefile')) 
Obviously, we'll now need a different line in our hello configuration file::
messagefile = config.fileNearModule('helloworld', 'hello.list') 
Here we've used another PEAK function: config.fileNearModule() will construct an appropriately qualified filename for the second argument based on the assumption that it is in the same directory as the module named by the first argument. So, messagefile will be the path to the hello.list file, located in the same directory as our file.

Since we're only using a QueryDM in this example, we only have to worry about reading data from the datastore, not writing it (That's a later example). To specify how to do this, we override the _load method of QueryDM. Our _load method needs to return a dictionary of names and values, which will get used through a __setstate__ call to load the data into our Message instances.

2.3.1 Loading data from the flat file

Now we need to whip up a data format for our messagefile. Let's have the thing we are saying hello to be first, and the actual message second, separated by a "|" character.

So we'll create a hello.list file like this:

world  | Hello, world! 
Fred   | Greetings, good sir. 
Klause | Guten Aben, Herr Klause. 
(Forgive my feeble attempts at Deutsche.)

Because this is going to be a read-only file, we're going to cheat and load the file only once, the first time it's used. We'll use another peak.binding tool to accomplish this:

    1     def data(self):
    2         data = {}
    3         file = open(self.filename)
    4         for line in file:
    5             fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split('|',1)]
    6             forname, text = fields
    7             data[forname] = {'forname': forname, 'text': text}
    8         file.close()
    9         return data
   11     data = binding.Make(data)

binding.Make is similar to binding.Obtain, in that it's used inside a class body to create a property-like descriptor for the class' instances. It's different, in that it takes a function as its argument, rather than a configuration key. The function should take at least one parameter (self), and return the value to be used for an attribute. In this way, it's very similar to the property built-in, but with a key difference: a property's fget function is called every time it is used, but the result of a binding.Make function is cached and reused for subsequent accesses of the attribute.

So, here's what will happen. The first time an instance of our QueryDM subclass accesses its data attribute, the function above will be called, and the result stored in the instance's data attribute. It will then be immediately available for use, and won't be computed again for that instance unless the attribute is deleted.

(Of course, in the case of our current hello program, we'll only ever make one query on the database. If we were going to make a longer-running program, or allow the database to be modified, using this sort of caching might be a bad idea. However, this design decision affects only our data manager's implementation, and not the rest of the application. Our main, command-line application will not be affected, and neither will our Message class, if we decide to change how or where the messages are stored.)

2.3.2 Building the Data Manager subclass

Here's the complete contents of the last new file we need for our expanded hello application, the file. This also adds the _load method to the QueryDM:

    1 from peak.api import *
    2 from hello_model import Message
    4 class MessageDM(storage.QueryDM):
    6     defaultClass = Message
    7     filename = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.messagefile'))
    9     def data(self):
   10         data = {}
   11         file = open(self.filename)
   12         for line in file:
   13             fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split('|',1)]
   14             forname, text = fields
   15             data[forname] = {'forname': forname, 'text': text}
   16         file.close()
   17         return data
   19     data = binding.Make(data)
   21     def _load(self, oid, ob):
   22         return[oid]
defaultClass specifies the class that will be used to instantiate objects retreieved from this Data Manager. In our case, that's Message from our model class. binding.Obtain you've met before, so its purpose here should be obvious.

A data manager is like a container for application objects. It's keyed by the notion of an oid: an "object ID" for objects of this kind. So, when we use a MessageDM instance, we'll retrieve objects from it like this:

        aMessage = myMessageDM[someName] 

When we do this, the MessageDM will return what's called a "ghost". It will be an instance of Message that contains no data, but knows its object ID, and knows that it's not yet loaded. As soon as we try to use the Message (by accessing any attributes or methods), it will "phone home" to the data manager it was retrieved from, asking for its data to be loaded.

At this point, the MessageDM._load() method is going to get called. It'll be given the object ID that was used to access the object originally (the oid parameter), and the applicable "ghost" object (ob). The data that _load() returns will be used to fill in the ghost's instance dictionary so that it will become a "real" object, and the attribute access that triggered the _load call can finally be satisfied.

(Notice, by the way, that if we were using a relational database, the _load method is probably where we'd put an SQL query to retrieve the data for the given object ID.)

2.4 Putting it all Together

All that remains, then, is to use our new data manager from our main application program:

    1 from peak.api import *
    2 from hello_model import Message
    4 class HelloWorld(commands.AbstractCommand):
    6     Messages = binding.Make(
    7         'hello_storage.MessageDM',
    8         offerAs=[storage.DMFor(Message)]
    9     )
   11     def _run(self):
   12         storage.beginTransaction(self)
   13         print self.Messages[self.argv[1]].text
   14         storage.commitTransaction(self)
As you can see, our main program has stayed fairly simple, despite the additional complexity of using a database. (And in case you think "using a database" is an inflated way of refering to a flat file, observe that we can replace the simple flat file with access to something like an SQL database, simply by changing the _load method in our data manager.)

In our revised HelloWorld class, we see another use of binding.Make, this time taking an import string that specifies a class that should be instantiated. Previously, we used binding.Make with a function, but it also accepts classes, or strings that say where to import classes or functions from. (Indeed, it takes anything that implements or adapts to the binding.IRecipe interface, but that's more than you need to know right now.)

When used with a class (or an import string that names a class), binding.Make will call it once, the first time the named attribute is used. In this case, that means that it will automatically create a new MessageDM as the Messages attribute of the HelloWorld instance it's contained in. So, in effect, we are declaring that each HelloWorld instance should have its own MessagesDM instance, stored in its Messages attribute.

Here we also use an additional keyword argument (offerAs) to binding.Make. offerAs is a list of "configuration keys" under which the created component will be "offered" to child components (via the configuration system). In this case, we're saying that any child components of a HelloWorld instance should use its Messages attribute, if they are looking for a data manager that provides storage services for Message instances.

The PEAK configuration system offers many kinds of "configuration keys" under which components or configuration properties can be found. We've previously worked with PropertyName, which is one kind of configuration key. And here we work with another, storage.DMFor(), that creates a configuration key denoting a data manager for a particular element type. PEAK does not limit you to using its predefined kinds of configuration keys, however. You can also create your own key types for specialized purposes, by implementing the config.IConfigKey interface.

Once you "offer" an attribute as the source of a configuration key, it can then be referenced by other uses of binding.Obtain by child components. For example, if we had another class that needed to use a data manager for Message instances, we could add something like this to that class:

    Messages = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Message)) 

This would use the configuration system to find an appropriate data manager. And, if an instance of this other class were contained within an instance of HelloWorld, it would use the HelloWorld object's Messages attribute to fill its own Messages attribute. (Note that the similarity in names has nothing to do with how it works; we could have called one of the attributes "foobar" and it would make no difference.)

The big advantage of this is that it allows us to create "loosely coupled" reusable components. A component that needs some service can simply Obtain it via a suitable key, and a higher-level application component can "offer" an appropriate service implementation. What's more, even binding.Obtain can use the offerAs argument, thereby specifying that an obtained component will be available to the containing component's children, perhaps under another configuration key as well as the key that was used to obtain the service.

Anyway, once we've got the data manager to be used for Message instances, we can look up any Message instance in it by using the instance's object id (in this case, its forname) as a key. In our case, that key is the string passed in as an argument to our command (self.argv[1], supplied to us by the peak script). As previously discussed, this gives us a Message instance, which we can then display by printing its text attribute.

Our last addition to HelloWorld is the use of beginTransaction and commitTransaction to enclose our data manipulation in a transaction. For our simple read-only application here, a transaction is of relatively little importance, but transaction management will matter a great deal when you use read/write databases.

Anyway, our program now works like this:

% export PYTHONPATH=. 
% ./hello world 
Hello, world! 
% ./hello Fred 
Greetings, good sir. 
% ./hello Klause 
Guten Aben, Herr Klause. 

2.5 Points to Remember

Let's recap some of the key topics we've covered in this chapter:

Whew! That's a lot of things, but we're still only scratching the surface. Each of the major topic areas listed above could be expanded into entire tutorials of their own. But, for now, you may want to simply experiment a bit with what you've seen so far, before delving deeper into the PEAK API documentation and source code.

3 Multiple Commands and Writable Databases

3.1 Introduction

We're stretching pretty hard here to find ways to use "Hello, world!" to demonstrate PEAK concepts. Just keep supressing your impulse to laugh at the triviality of the example, and keep focused on the concepts it is demonstrating.

At this point our hello program can greet anything whose name is recorded in the table. Suppose we have a new thing we want to greet? What we need is a way to update the database table to record a new greeting. Our hello program will now have two different functions we need it to perform: greeting, and recording new greetings. (Of course, we could also implement these as two separate commands, but then we wouldn't have an excuse to talk talk about AbstractInterpreter and demonstrate Bootstrap).

So in this chapter we'll expand the hello command to have subcommands:

    % ./hello for Jeff: Hi, guy! 
    % ./hello to Jeff 
    Hi, guy! 
This will require revising our storage implementation to allow writing to our database. We'll stick to using a file for now, to keep the distraction of SQL at bay for a little while longer.

3.2 AbstractInterpreter and Bootstrap

Another abstract class provided by PEAK is AbstractInterpreter. This class represents something PEAK can run that will execute subcommands based on the first argument word. PEAK also provides an implementation of this class, Bootstrap, that we can reuse to our advantage. So, our AbstractCommand from the previous examples is now going to become the implementation for one of our two subcommands. We'll have a new object that we'll be having peak call as our "main program":

    1 from peak.api import *
    2 from hello_model import Message
    5 class HelloWorld(commands.Bootstrap):
    7     usage = """
    8 Usage: hello command arguments
   10 Available commands:
   12     for -- sets a greeting
   13     to  -- displays a greeting
   14 """
   16     Messages = bindings.Make(
   17         'hello_storage:MessageDM',
   18         offerAs=[storage.DMFor(Message)]
   19         )
   22 class toCmd(commands.AbstractCommand):
   24     usage = """
   25 Usage: hello to <name>
   27 Displays the greeting for "name".
   28 """
   30     Messages = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Messages))
   32     def _run(self):
   33         storage.beginTransaction(self)
   34         print self.Messages[self.argv[1]].text
   35         storage.commitTransaction(self)
So we've got a new HelloWorld main program, this time a subclass of commands.Bootstrap. HelloWorld is still the holder for the MessageDM binding. PEAK will make the subcommands children of our AbstractInterpreter, so the subcommands will have this DM binding in their context.

The only other thing it's got is a usage class variable. To see how this is used, try typing ./hello at your command prompt:

% ./hello 
Usage: hello command arguments 
Available commands: 
    for -- sets a greeting 
    to  -- displays a greeting 
./hello: missing argument(s) 
As you can see, PEAK is taking care of a lot of the routine tasks associated with writing a script!

Our original AbstractCommand is still there, but now we've named it toCmd. And, since it a different class from HelloWorld where we defined the binding to our MessageDM, it needs to Obtain that binding. Remember, it is thereby getting access to the same MessageDM instance as the one referenced by the descriptor in the HelloWorld class, and as will be referenced by our other subcommand once we write it.

Well, it will once we hook it up so that it can actually be invoked as a subcommand.

To do that, we create a new binding. We could do this in our python code, but we'll do it in the configuration file to show how flexible PEAK commands can be (imagine tailoring a version of a command to have a restricted set of subcommands for use by a particular user group just by creating a different config file to call it through):

to = importString('helloworld:toCmd') 

With the above added to our hello file, we can now do things like:

    % ./hello to Fred 
    Greetings, good sir. 

Here's a slightly subtle point you may not have noticed: when we turned our command into a subcommand we did not need to change our argv index number. The argv array stored in self.argv of the subcommand has the subcommand name in argv[0], and the rest of the arguments starting in argv[1].

Now try this:

    % ./hello to 
Given how ./hello magically generated a usage string, you might think this would do so as well. After all, we provided one in the code above, right? Well, an AbstractCommand doesn't automacially display a usage when no arguments are supplied because, after all, no arguments might be required. It will automatically display the usage if we raise a commands.InvocationError, though:
    1 def _run(self):
    2     if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing name")
    3     storage.beginTransaction(self)
    4     print self.Messages[self.argv[1]].text
    5     storage.commitTransaction(self)

Now we'll get:

%s ./hello to 
Usage: hello to <name> 
Displays the greeting for "name". 
to: Missing name 

3.3 Storing a New Message: the Subcommand

Now, we know we're going to have to rewrite our to allow us to write to the databse, but let's start this part of the task by writing the subcommand first. As you'll quickly see, any consideration of how we implement the saving of the data is completely independent of how we go about initiating the save in the application program.

So, we need another AbstractCommand subclass, and another binding in our hello config file:

to = importString('helloworld:toCmd') 
for = importString('helloworld:forCmd') 

    2 class forCmd(commands.AbstractCommand):
    4     usage = """
    5 Usage: hello for <name>: <greeting>
    7 Stores "greeting" as the greeting message for "name".
    8 """
   10     Messages = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Message))
   12     def _run(self):
   13         if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing arguments")
   14         parts = ' '.join(self.argv[1:]).split(':')
   15         if len(parts)!=2: raise commands.InvocationError("Bad argument format")
   16         forname = parts[0].strip(); message = parts[1].strip()
   17         storage.beginTransaction(self)
   18         newmsg = self.Messages.newItem()
   19         newmsg.forname = forname
   20         newmsg.text = message
   21         storage.commitTransaction(self)
To put a new object in our database, we ask the Data Manager for a new "blank" object. (Actually, it can have a preloaded default state, but we'll ignore that for now). Then we modify it just like we would any other writable object we got from the Data Manager, and the transaction machinery takes care of getting the data written to the backing store at transaction commit time.

At this point the "for" subcommand of our hello command is runable:

% ./hello for 
Usage: hello for <name>: <greeting> 
Stores "greeting" as the greeting message for "name". 
for: Missing arguments 
% ./hello for foobar 
Usage: hello for <name>: <greeting> 
Stores "greeting" as the greeting message for "name". 
for: Bad argument format 
% ./hello for Jeff: Hi, guy! 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "/usr/local/bin/peak", line 4, in ? 
    commands.runMain( commands.Bootstrap ) 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/peak/running/", line 70, in runMain 
    result = factory().run() 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/peak/running/", line 211, in run 
    return self._run() or 0 
  File "/var/home/rdmurray/proj/peak/helloworld/07writabledb/", line 53, in _run 
    newmsg = self.Messages.newItem() 
AttributeError: 'MessageDM' object has no attribute 'newItem' 
Ah, yes. As you'll recall, we used a read-only Data Manager base class when we developed our database. So we can't store anything until we fix that.

3.4 Storing a New Message: Modifying the Data Manager

OK, it's time to do some serious surgery on our Data Manager. As I said before, I'm still going to keep us away from SQL for the moment. But if you'll recall, I mentioned how important transactions are when writing to a database. Writing to normal file system files is not transaction oriented, so what can we do?

PEAK provides a useful utility class that partially solves this problem: EditableFile. EditableFile is an object that represents a file and participates in the PEAK transaction machinery.

Here's what the EditableFile docstring has to say:

    """File whose text can be manipulated, transactionally 
        myfile = EditableFile(self, filename="something") 
        print myfile.text   # prints current contents of file 
        # Edit the file 
        myfile.text = myfile.text.replace('foo','bar') 
    Values assigned to 'text' will be converted to strings.  Setting 'text' 
    to an empty string truncates the file; deleting 'text' (i.e. 
    'del myfile.text') deletes the file.  'text' will be 'None' whenever the 
    file is nonexistent, but do not set it to 'None' unless you want to replace 
    the file's contents with the string '"None"'! 
    By default, files are read and written in "text" mode; be sure to supply 
    a 'fileType="b"' keyword argument if you are editing a binary file.  Note 
    that under Python 2.3 you can also specify 'fileType="U"' to use "universal 
    newline" mode. 
    'EditableFile' subclasses 'TxnFile', but does not use 'autocommit' mode, 
    because it wants to support "safe" alterations to existing files. 
This looks pretty straightfoward to use, especially since we can assume, since we are writing in a Data Manager, that we will be inside a transaction and don't have to worry about that aspect here.

OK, now that we've got a way to transactionally update a file, we need to exchange our QueryDM base class to a base class that supports updating the database. That would be EntityDM.

EntityDM requires two additional methods to be defined by the concrete class: _new, and _save. _new is called when a new object is added to the DM, and needs to store the data for that object in the external database. _save is called when an object's state is changed, and a transaction boundry has been reached where that state needs to be synchronized with the external database.

At this point our original scheme of reading and parsing the file and storing the results the data attribute is going to break down. With our current user interface it would actually work just fine. The file would get reparsed on each command invocation. But suppose we later rewrite the interface so that multiple commands can be issued in the same run of the application? If we keep our pre-parsed data attribute, a message updated by a for command wouldn't be seen by subsequent to commands.

So, we're going to have to use the EditableFile instance as our reference for each lookup from the database. Our new will now look like this:

    2 from peak.api import *
    3 from import EditableFile
    4 from hello_model import Message
    5 import re
    7 class MessageDM(storage.EntityDM):
    9     defaultClass = Message
   10     fn = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.messagefile'))
   12     def file(self):
   13         return EditableFile(filename=self.fn)
   15     file = binding.Make(file)
   17     def __makeRe(self, oid):
   18         return re.compile(r"^%s[|](.*)$" % oid, re.M)
   20     def __findMatch(self, oid, text):
   21         return self.__makeRe(oid).search(text)
   23     def _load(self, oid, ob):
   24         m = self.__findMatch(oid, self.file.text)
   25         return {'forname': oid, 'text':}
   27     def _new(self, ob):
   28         self.file.text += "%s|%s\n" % (ob.forname, ob.text)
   30     def _save(self, ob):
   31         self.file.text = self.__makeRe(ob.forname).sub(
   32             "%s|%s" % (ob.forname, ob.text), self.file.text)
Well, that actually got a little simpler, didn't it? But I notice that in my attempts to (temporarily) stay away from the complexities of SQL, I seem to have wandered into the complexities of regular expressions.

Let's get that out of the way first. The not-too-gnarly little regular expression I use is designed to do two things: it matches any line (that's the re.M bit) that starts with the oid followed by a vertical bar, and when used for a search it returns a match object that has a group containing everything after the vertical bar to the next newline.

This regular expression is only going to work if there's no space between the forname and the vertical bar, but since we're now updating the database with our program as well as reading it, we can insure that. If you are following along with running code, though, you might want to edit the old hello.list to remove the spaces.

There are a few things to notice about our revised DM.

We're still getting the filename from that same configuration variable. Now, however, we are turning that into an ?EditableFile. Again we use binding.Make to create a descriptor that will return a real value (and cache it) when the class attribute is actually accessed.

Note that without binding.Make here we'd be stuck, since if we tried to do something like

file = EditableFile(filename=fn) 
our application would blow up when we tried to access the ?EditableFile, because it would have hold of the descriptor instance instead of being able to access the filename through the descriptor. (to PJE: I'm explaining this badly because I only half understand it; hopefully you can clarify it)

In the _load method the match group in the regex means the parsing out of the message is already done for us, and all we have to do is return the data.

The _new method simply appends an appropriate record to the file.

The _save method uses re's substitution method to generate a new version of the string representing the file with the body of the line matching the forname replaced by the new value.

With this code in place our for method is working:

% ./hello for Jeff: Hi, guy! 
% ./hello to Jeff 
Hi, guy! 

3.5 Oh no, a bug!

At this point certain readers are getting antsy in their seats because there's a bug in the for method we created up above. What happens if you (assuming you've got the four entries in your database we've been using for examples) do this:

% ./hello for Jeff: Long time, no see 
Obviously, the intent is to replace the current message for Jeff with a new one. However, our for code assumed the forname passed to it was a new name. Currently, the code will write a new entry to the database, which because of our storage implementation will append a new "Jeff" record to the end of the file. So techncially we've got a bug in our database implementation, too.

Let's fix that problem first.

If a regex doesn't match, re will return None. So in our _new method we can check to see if the new forname is already in the database or not, and raise an error if it is:

    1     def _new(self, ob):
    2         if self.__findMatch(ob.forname, self.file.text):
    3             raise KeyError, "%s is already in the database" % ob.forname
    4         self.file.text += "%s|%s\n" % (ob.forname, ob.text)

Now at least we'll get an error if we use our buggy for subcommand:

% ./hello for Jeff: Hello, dude. 
  [...first part of traceback elided...] 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/peak/storage/", line 432, in flush 
    oid = ob._p_oid = self._new(ob) 
  File "/var/home/rdmurray/proj/peak/helloworld/07writabledb/", line 27, in _new 
    raise KeyError, "%s is already in the database" % ob.forname 
KeyError: 'Jeff is already in the database' 

Fixing the for command feels a little less "natural". In fact, this is a limitation of the current DM framework that is slated to be fixed in alpha 4.

For now one way to handle this is to implement a __contains__ for the DM;

    2     def __contains__(self, oid):
    3         return self.__findMatch(oid, self.file.text) is not None
Armed with this, we can rewrite our for method as follows:
    def _run(self): 
        if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing arguments") 
        parts = ' '.join(self.argv[1:]).split(':') 
        if len(parts)!=2: raise commands.InvocationError("Bad argument format") 
        forname = parts[0].strip(); message = parts[1].strip() 
        if forname in self.Messages: 
            msg = self.Messages[forname] 
            msg = self.Messages.newItem() 
            msg.forname = forname 
        msg.text = message 

With this change, updating the database works:

% ./hello for Jeff: Hey, Dude! 
% ./hello to Jeff 
Hey, Dude! 

3.6 Exploring the rest of PEAK

One important topic we haven't covered here is the "component hierarchy", although we've alluded to it on occasion by talking about "parent" and "child" components. Generally speaking, a component contained within another component is a "child" component of the container, and PEAK provides mechanisms for components to access their containers to "obtain" configuration or other components. It's also possible to treat the component hierarchy like a kind of file system, using paths to navigate from one component to another.

As you begin to build more sophisticated applications, you'll probably want to have more understanding of how components are attached to their parent components, and how they can receive notification that they've been attached. And, if you want to create applications that run without using the peak script, you'll also want to know about "root components" and how to create them with config.makeRoot.

In the meantime, to get you started on your journey, you may wish to explore the [WWW]current API documentation. There, you'll find a list of some of the major features provided by other PEAK frameworks, and quick-reference documentation for them. Also, if you want to look up an API feature like PropertyName or binding.Obtain, you can use the peak help command, e.g.:

% peak help binding.Obtain 
Help on class Obtain in module peak.binding.components: 
class Obtain(peak.binding.once.Attribute) 
 |  'Obtain(componentKey,[default=value])' - finds/caches a needed component 
 |  Usage examples:: 
 |      class someClass(binding.Component): 
 |          thingINeed = binding.Obtain("path/to/service") 
 |          otherThing = binding.Obtain(IOtherThing) 
 |          aProperty  = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('some.prop'), default=42) 
 |  'someClass' instances can then refer to their attributes, such as 
 |  'self.thingINeed', instead of repeatedly calling 
 |  'self.lookupComponent(someKey)'. 
 |  The initial argument to the 'Obtain' constructor must be adaptable to 
 |  'binding.IComponentKey'.  If a 'default' keyword argument is supplied, 
 |  it will be used as the default in case the specified component key is not 
 |  found. 
 ... etc. 

So have fun with PEAK, and I'll see you at the top!

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