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Please use IntroToPeak instead.
By R. David Murray (rdmurray at (w/edits by PJE)

write up your question on the PEAK mailing list, and we'll try to
get these examples updated with more Windows-specific command lines.)
(Note to all readers: the examples in this document have been tested
against PEAK CVS. The examples will not work with 0.5 alpha 2.
There could also be synchronization errors between the examples and
the test code, so if you find something that doesn't work as
advertised when run against current CVS, please let me know.)
'''Table of Contents'''

Greetings, Your Excelency!
= Logging =
(This chapter has not be edited by PJE)
So, our application is deployed. People are using it. But who?
And how much? And just who was it who changed the greeting
for vvips to "Your most humble servant greets you,
Grand and Mighty Poobah!"? Management would like to know.
Well, we can't help them with the last question, because
that's already in the past. But we can start gathering the
data needed to answer these sorts of questions, using
PEAK's logging facilities. So in this chapter, we'll
introduce logging, and show how to incorporate it into
our program.
== Generating Log Messages ==
Keeping with the PEAK philosophy of making things easily
configurable, we're not going to hardcode where our
log messages go. Instead our code will simply ask
the configuration system for a logging object, and
pass that object the log messages.
A logger in PEAK is something that provides the `ILogger` interface.
Let's take a look: {{{
% peak help running.ILogger
Help on class ILogger in module peak.running.interfaces:
class ILogger(protocols.interfaces.Interface)
 | A PEP 282 "logger" object, minus configuration methods
 | All methods that take 'msg' and positional arguments 'args' will
 | interpolate 'args' into 'msg', so the format is a little like a
 | 'printf' in C. For example, in this code:
 | aLogger.debug("color=%s; number=%d", "blue", 42)
 | the log message will be rendered as '"color=blue; number=42"'. Loggers
 | should not interpolate the message until they have verified that the
 | message will not be trivially suppressed. (For example, if the logger
 | is not accepting messages of the designated priority level.) This avoids
 | needless string processing in code that does a lot of logging calls that
 | are mostly suppressed. (E.g. debug logging.)
 | Methods that take a '**kwargs' keywords argument only accept an 'exc_info'
 | flag as a keyword argument. If 'exc_info' is a true value, exception data
 | from 'sys.exc_info()' is added to the log message.
 | Method resolution order:
 | ILogger
 | protocols.interfaces.Interface
 | __builtin__.object
 | Methods defined here:
 | critical(msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level CRITICAL
 | debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level DEBUG
 | error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level ERROR
 | exception(msg, *args)
 | Log 'msg' w/level ERROR, add exception info
 | getEffectiveLevel(lvl)
 | Get minimum priority level required for messages to be accepted
 | info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level INFO
 | isEnabledFor(lvl)
 | Return true if logger will accept messages of level 'lvl'
 | log(lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level 'lvl'
 | warning(msg, *args, **kwargs)
 | Log 'msg' w/level WARNING
 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Data and other attributes inherited from protocols.interfaces.Interface:
 | __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
 | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 | __metaclass__ = <class 'protocols.interfaces.InterfaceClass'>
 | __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Interface' objects>
 | list of weak references to the object (if defined)
}}} Hmm. There's a lot of information and capabilities there. We're
interested in the general format of a logging call, and which logging
calls are provided. Looking through the list of methods, things
like `critical`, 'debug`, `warning`, `error`, and `info` all look
handy. The other methods we can ignore for now.
So let's modify our `to` command to log who is greeting whom (I'm
going to omit the `usage` text when I show modified versions
of our commands from now on; you've seen that text often
enough already!): {{{
class toCmd(commands.AbstractCommand):
    Customers = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Customer))
    log = binding.Obtain(PropertyName("helloworld.logger"))
    def _run(self):
        if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing name")
        print self.Customers[self.argv[1]].greeting()"%s issued greeting to %s", self.environ['USER'],
We've added two lines here. The first sets up a class variable `log`
and binds it to the configuration key `helloworld.logger`. We'll
talk about what we set that key to in the next section. The second
line generates the actual log entry. As you can see, we call the
`info` method of our `ILogger` instance, and pass it a message
containing substitution points, and the values to be substituted.
Now let's consider our `for` command: {{{
class forCmd(commands.AbstractCommand):
    Groups = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Group))
    log = binding.Obtain(PropertyName("helloworld.logger"))
    def _run(self):
        if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing arguments")
        parts = ' '.join(self.argv[1:]).split(':')
        if len(parts)!=2: raise commands.InvocationError("Bad argument format")
        groupname = parts[0].strip(); message = parts[1].strip()
        if groupname in self.Groups:
            group = self.Groups[groupname]
            self.log.warning('Greeting for group %s changed to "%s" by %s',
                groupname, message, self.environ['USER'])
            group = self.Groups.newItem()
   = groupname
            self.log.warning('Greeting ("%s") for group %s added by %s',
                message, groupname, self.environ['USER'])
        group.text = message
Again we set up the logger. Here we have two possible logged messages,
depending on whether or not this is the first time a message has
been set for the group.
This time we're logging at `warning` level, figuring that messages
changes should be relatively rare, and if someone is monitoring the
logs that's probably what they'll be interested in seeing. As
implied by the help information up above, PEAK provides ways of
filtering the generated log messages based on `priority`, of which
`info` and `warning` are two examples. This way, if all we need
to know is who is changing the messages, we can set PEAK to ignore
the `info` messages generated by uses of the `to` command.
== Logging to the Terminal ==
So how do we tell PEAK what we want to log, and where? We do that
by specifying those details when we define what goes in to the
`helloworld.logger` configuration variable.
To start with, let's configure the logging information to be
dumped to `stderr`, so we can test our logging code and make
sure it is doing what we want. And since we're testing,
we're going to want to see messages of any priority. `debug`
is the lowest priority, so we'll tell the logger to log
everything from `debug` on up. (We aren't using any
debug calls now, but we might want to add some later
next time we have to do some debugging of our application.)
messagedb = naming.LinkRef('sqlite:messages.db')
logger = logs.LogStream(stream=importString('sys.stderr'), level=logs.DEBUG)
Here we are using PEAK's `LogStream` logger. To work, it needs
to know which stream to write to, so we tell it using
`stream=importString('sys.stderr')`. We need to use `importString`
because `sys.stderr` is an import path. We also tell the logger
the minimum level of message to log. (Message levels are named the
same as the corresponding method names, but using all caps).
Let's try it out: {{{
% ./hello to Jeff
I am so happy to see you, Jeff
Dec 09 19:34:12 stage PEAK[12865]: rdmurray issued greeting to Jeff
% ./hello for peon: "Hi, %s"
Dec 09 19:36:49 stage PEAK[12870]: Greeting ("Hi, %s") for group peon added by rdmurray
% ./hello for peon: "Hi, scum"
Dec 09 19:37:49 stage PEAK[12871]: Greeting for group peon changed to "Hi, scum" by rdmurray
}}} As you can see, the logging system automatically adds a timestamp, the
system name, an application name, and a processid, very similar to the
way the unix syslog works.
== Other Logging Destinations ==
OK, so everything is working. We don't want these messages appearing
on the console when we roll out this new version, so we'd better
redirect the logs. We could have them go to a file: {{{
logger = naming.LinkRef("logfile:helloworld.log?level=INFO")
}}} Lots of different users are using this program, though, and
we don't really want log files in whatever directory they happen
to run the command from. We could specify an absolute path, but
it would have to be one that all the potential users could write
to. This is a practical solution: just have the file be writable
by a group all the users belong to.
Many systems have a simpler solution, though, and PEAK supports it:
syslog. Here's how we'd direct our logging to syslog: {{{
logger = naming.LinkRef("syslog:local7")
}}} Here we're telling the logger to send the log messages to
syslog under the `local7` facility. We don't specify a log level,
because that can be controlled by the syslog configuration. That
of course means that PEAK must fully generate and send all
messages, which is an overhead worth thinking about if you
select syslog logging. If you don't want that overhead,
you can specify a level just like for the logfile logger,
and PEAK will only syslog messages at that level and higher.
== Multiple Log Destinations ==
The Boss is really worried about that unauthorized message change.
He wants to be notified immediatly of any new message changes.
Systems has set up a unix named pipe that they've tied to their
paging system, so anything written to that pipe will get sent to
the boss's pager. But we still need to keep logs of all access,
for those usage statistics he also wants. So we can't just redirect
logging, at `warning` level, to the pipe. We need to send the
logging info to two destinations, with two different filtering
And here's how we do it: {{{
logger = logtee:{syslog:local7},{logfile:/tmp/pageboss?level=WARNING}
(NB: Neither syslog: nor logtee: are currently hooked up in
peak.ini, so these examples don't work/aren't tested)
= Exploring the rest of PEAK =
One important topic we haven't covered here is the "component hierarchy", although we've alluded to it on occasion by talking about "parent" and "child" components. Generally speaking, a component contained within another component is a "child" component of the container, and PEAK provides mechanisms for components to access their containers to "obtain" configuration or other components. It's also possible to treat the component hierarchy like a kind of file system, using paths to navigate from one component to another.

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