
1 Introduction

Nearly each Python application depends on third-party Python modules. When the application is distributed, maintaining all dependencies may become a real headache. Some systems have built-in tools facilitaing this task (ports collection on *BSD systems, RPM and Debian package system on Linuxes etc.), but on Windows there seems to be no other way than include all required modules into the application distribution package.

Python application packaging may be done with several tools (like [WWW]McMillian Installer or [WWW]py2exe), but none of them works with PEAK out-of-the-box, because of module import tweaks used in PEAK core.

This page describes the steps taken in our company to make a distribution for PEAK-based application.

All sources listed on this page may be used under the same terms as Python or PEAK.

2 Application and Package Overview

Currently, the application has single executable script (module) run as Windows NT service. This module uses PEAK ZConfigInterpreter to load and run all components. There are no direct references to included components in the main script.

The distribution package contains a binary wrapper for the executable script, and single subdirectory lib containing all required Python modules (both source and binary) as well as the Python dll and executable. Python modules are distributed in source form. This helps to avoid problems with PEAK lazy modules and is unlike [WWW]py2exe or [WWW]Installer packages including all modules as binaries.

3 Prerequisites

We use [WWW]McMillian Installer to build the list of module dependencies and to perform initial collecting of the module files.

The installer may be downloaded from http://mcmillan-inc.com/dnld/installer_6a1.zip or http://mcmillan-inc.com/dnld/installer_6a1.tar.gz Installer versions prior to 6a1 have some problems and cannot be used.

4 Executable Wrapper

We use a simple c program to wrap executable python modules. This program is compiled to Windows executable stub pyrun.exe. When run, it takes Python command line options attached to the stub by utility script build_exe.py and runs [WWW]Py_Main() with these options. Additional options may be specified on the executable command line; these are added to the end of "command line" passed to Py_Main.

In addition to options processing, this executable wrapper sets PYTHONPATH to the lib subdirectory, so that all modules are first looked up in the package, and not in the installed Python library (if any). site processing is disabled, and Python optimization level is set to 2 (enable basic optimizations and discard docstrings). Current directory is set to the directory of the exe file.

pyrun.c source:

/*! \file pyrun.c 
 *  $Id: pyrun.c,v 1.1 2003/12/02 20:46:09 alex Exp $ 
 *  Python script wrapper. 
 *  Get command line options attached to the end of the ELF executable 
 *  and run Py_Main with altered argv. 
 *  Python optimization level is set to 2.  Site script is disabled. 
 *  Environment variable PYTHONPATH is set to 'lib' subdirectory. 
 *  Additional options may be passed on the command line. 
 *  Runnable exe files are made from this stub by build_exe.py 
 *  History (most recent first): 
 *  02-dec-2003 [als]   created 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <windows.h> 
#define FATALERROR printf 
#define MAGIC "ANK\014\013\012\011\0" 
#define INT4 int 
typedef struct _cookie { 
    char magic[8]; /* 'ANK\014\013\012\013\0' */ 
    INT4 argv;     /* pos (rel to start) of argument strings */ 
    INT4 argc;     /* number of arguments */ 
    INT4 pyvers;   /* python version (e.g. 23) for dll name */ 
int main(int argc, char **argv) { 
    char here[_MAX_PATH + 1]; 
    char thisfile[_MAX_PATH + 1]; 
    char pythonpath[_MAX_PATH + 1]; 
    char *pp; 
    INT4 len, ii; 
    FILE *f_fp; 
    COOKIE f_cookie; 
    int myargc, f_argc; 
    char **myargv; 
    char **arg; 
    int rc; 
    HINSTANCE dll; 
    FARPROC Py_Main; 
    /* fill in thisfile */ 
    if (!GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, thisfile, _MAX_PATH)) { 
        FATALERROR("System error - unable to load!"); 
        return -1; 
    pp = thisfile+strlen(thisfile) - 4; 
    if (strnicmp(pp, ".exe", 4) != 0) 
        strcat(thisfile, ".exe"); 
    /* fill in here (directory of thisfile) */ 
    /* Note: GetModuleFileName returns an absolute path */ 
    strcpy(here, thisfile); 
    for (pp=here+strlen(here); *pp != '\\' && pp >= here+2; --pp); 
    *++pp = '\0'; 
    len = pp - here; 
    /* Physically open the file */ 
    f_fp = fopen(thisfile, "rb"); 
    if (f_fp == NULL) { 
        FATALERROR("Cannot open %s: %s\n", thisfile, strerror(errno)); 
        return -1; 
    /* Seek to the Cookie at the end of the file. */ 
    fseek(f_fp, 0, SEEK_END); 
    if (fseek(f_fp, -(int)sizeof(COOKIE), SEEK_END)) { 
        FATALERROR("Invalid executable %s\n", thisfile); 
        return -1; 
    /* Read the Cookie, and check its MAGIC bytes */ 
    fread(&f_cookie, sizeof(COOKIE), 1, f_fp); 
    if (memcmp(f_cookie.magic, MAGIC, sizeof(MAGIC))) { 
        FATALERROR("Bad magic value in %s\n", thisfile); 
        return -1; 
    /* start filling myargv */ 
    f_argc = f_cookie.argc; 
    myargc = argc + f_argc + 1; /* one extra for hard-coded options */ 
    myargv = arg = calloc(myargc, sizeof(char*)); 
    /* FIXME: check error */ 
    *arg = strdup(argv[0]); 
    *(++arg) = "-SOO"; /* don't 'import site', run optimized w/o docstrings */ 
    /* add frozen args */ 
    fseek(f_fp, f_cookie.argv, SEEK_SET); 
    /* FIXME: check error */ 
    for(ii=0; ii < f_argc; ii++) { 
        fread(&len, sizeof(INT4), 1, f_fp); 
        /* FIXME: check error */ 
        pp = malloc(len +1); 
        pp[len] = '\0'; 
        /* FIXME: check error */ 
        fread(pp, len, 1, f_fp); 
        /* FIXME: check error */ 
        pp[len] = '\0'; 
        *(++arg) = pp; 
    /* close the file */ 
    /* add command line arguments */ 
    for(ii=1; ii < argc; ii++) *(++arg) = strdup(argv[ii]); 
    /* DEBUG */ 
    for(ii=0; ii < myargc; ii++) 
        printf("\t%s\n", myargv[ii]); 
    /* set PYTHONPATH to 'lib' subdir */ 
    sprintf(pythonpath, "%slib", here, here); 
    SetEnvironmentVariableA("PYTHONPATH", pythonpath); 
    /* enable optimizations */ 
    /* SetEnvironmentVariableA("PYTHONOPTIMIZE", "2"); */ 
    /* change current directory (script names may be relative) */ 
    /* load python DLL and get PY_Main entry */ 
    sprintf(pythonpath, "%slib\\python%02d.dll", here, f_cookie.pyvers); 
    dll = LoadLibraryEx(pythonpath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); 
    if(dll == NULL) { 
        FATALERROR("Cannot load %s (error %i)\n", pythonpath, GetLastError()); 
        return -1; 
    Py_Main = GetProcAddress(dll, "Py_Main"); 
    /* run */ 
    rc = Py_Main(myargc, myargv); 
    /* FIXME? free myargv */ 
    return rc; 
/* vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 cino=(4 et : */ 

build_exe.py source:

    1 # Build python script executable from pyrun.exe stub
    2 #
    3 # Copyright 2003 SIA "ANK"
    4 #
    5 # History (most recent first):
    6 # 02-dec-2003 [als] created
    7 #
    9 import os
   10 import sys
   11 from struct import pack
   13 STUB = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "pyrun.exe")
   14 MAGIC = "ANK\014\013\012\011\0"
   16 def run(out, *args):
   17     _f = open(STUB, "rb")
   18     _stub = _f.read()
   19     _f.close()
   21     _f = open(out, "wb")
   22     _f.write(_stub)
   23     _len = _f.tell()
   24     for _arg in args:
   25         _f.write(pack("i", len(_arg)))
   26         _f.write(_arg)
   27     _f.write(MAGIC)
   28     # _dll_version = sys.version_info[0] * 10 + sys.version_info[1]
   29     _dll_version = int("".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))
   30     _f.write(pack("iii", _len, len(args), _dll_version))
   31     _f.close()
   33 if __name__ == "__main__":
   34     run(*sys.argv[1:])
   36 # vim: set sts=4 sw=4 et :

5 Listing Application Components

As i said above, there are no direct references to included components in the main script. We have to explicitely list all components for Installer to include and analyse them. Also some modules from PEAK and standard lib are not found automatically, and need to be named explicitely.

I did this by making a modulefinder hook for the package in which the main executable module resides. This hook has hiddenimports attribute which is a list of additional module import names. The list is composed by collecting all modules in the main components package (ank.BBS.Protocol) and adding some well-known names.

hooks/hook-ank.BBS.py source:

    1 # McMillian Installer hooks for BBS Server application
    2 #
    3 # Copyright 2003 SIA "ANK"
    4 #
    5 # List hidden imports for Installer Analysis: BBS Protocols,
    6 # some PEAK modules, utf-8 encoding etc.
    7 #
    8 # History (most recent first):
    9 # 02-dec-2003 [als] created
   10 #
   11 try:
   12     import os
   13 except ImportError:
   14     import sys
   15     os = sys.modules["os"]
   16 from pprint import pprint
   18 hiddenimports = [
   19     "encodings.utf_8",
   20     "select",
   21     "peak.config.load_zconfig",
   22     "peak.naming.factories.peak_imports",
   23     "peak.running.logs",
   24     "peak.running.process",
   25     "persistence.interfaces",
   26     "ank.BBS.AL.PythonShell",
   27     "ank.BBS.AL.WLProcessor",
   28     "ank.BBS.MAC.TCP.SocketServer",
   29 ]
   31 _proto_path = ["ank", "BBS", "Protocol"]
   32 for _file in os.listdir(os.path.join(*_proto_path)):
   33     if _file.endswith(".py") and (_file != "__init__.py"):
   34         hiddenimports.append(".".join(_proto_path + [_file[:-3]]))
   36 for _mod in hiddenimports:
   37     try:
   38         __import__(_mod, globals(), locals(), ["__name__"])
   39     except Exception, _err:
   40         print "Cannot import %s: %s" % (_mod, _err)
   41         hiddenimports.remove(_mod)
   43 # vim: set sts=4 sw=4 et :

6 Running Installer

Below is the spec file for McMillian Installer:

    1 # McMillian Installer script for BBS Server application
    2 #
    3 # Copyright 2003 SIA "ANK"
    4 #
    5 # This script does not use any of the Installer packaging features.
    6 # The Installer is used to analyse script dependencies.
    7 # After that, all TOCs are altered to build the distribution tree
    8 # from module sources.
    9 #
   10 # The scripts are wrapped into pyrun.exe.
   11 #
   12 # PythonService.exe is added to run the server and python.exe
   13 # is added to use as poor-man's python runtime.
   14 #
   15 # PEAK imports are tweaked to make Analysis successfull.
   16 #
   17 # Distutils build directory is used to analyze and collect BBS sources
   18 #
   19 # History (most recent first):
   20 # 02-dec-2003 [als] created
   21 #
   23 SCRIPTS = ["ank\\BBS\\BBSService.py"]
   24 DIST_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BUILDPATH), "dist"))
   25 print "paths", SPECPATH, BUILDPATH, DIST_DIR
   27 # search for modules in distutils build dir first
   28 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
   29     os.path.join(SPECPATH, "..", "build", "lib.win32-2.3")))
   31 # load PEAK to avoid problems with lazy modules
   32 from peak.api import binding, config, naming, running
   34 # remove old build directory and distribution tree
   35 if os.path.isdir(BUILDPATH):
   36     shutil.rmtree(BUILDPATH)
   37     os.mkdir(BUILDPATH)
   38 if os.path.isdir(DIST_DIR):
   39     shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR)
   41 # analyse dependencies
   42 a = Analysis(
   43     SCRIPTS,
   44     hookspath=["installer\\hooks"],
   45 )
   47 # list required modules that are not found by Analisys
   48 _addmodules = []
   49 for _name in (
   50     "site",
   51     "peak.binding.api",
   52     "peak.running.api",
   53 ):
   54     _addmodules.append((_name, sys.modules[_name].__file__, "PYMODULE"))
   56 # convert collected pure module list to the list of python sources
   57 _sources = TOC()
   58 for (_name, _path, _typecode) in (a.pure + _addmodules):
   59     #print (_name, _path, _typecode)
   60     _name = ["lib"] + _name.split(".")
   61     if _path[-1] in "co":
   62         _path = _path[:-1]
   63     if _path.endswith("__init__.py"):
   64         _name.append("__init__")
   65     _sources.append((os.path.join(*_name) + ".py", _path, _typecode))
   66 # also list scripts as sources
   67 for _name in SCRIPTS:
   68     _sources.append((os.path.join("lib", _name), _name, "PYMODULE"))
   70 # change binaries directory to "lib";
   71 # for inner modules, convert module paths to fs paths
   72 _binaries = TOC()
   73 for (_name, _path, _typecode) in a.binaries:
   74     if _typecode == "LINK":
   75         continue
   76     _basename, _ext = os.path.splitext(_name)
   77     if _ext.lower() not in [".dll", ".pyd"]:
   78         _basename = _name
   79         _ext = ""
   80     _basename = os.path.join(*_basename.split(".")) + _ext
   81     _binaries.append((_basename, _path, _typecode))
   82 # add Windows NT service runner
   83 _binaries.append(("PythonService.exe",
   84     config.fileNearModule("win32service", "PythonService.exe"), "BINARY"))
   85 # add Python executable
   86 _binaries.append(("python.exe", sys.executable, "BINARY"))
   88 # list additional data
   89 _data = TOC()
   90 for _name in (
   91     "ank/BBS/app_config.xml",
   92     "ank/BBS/AL/component.xml",
   93     "ank/BBS/MAC/TCP/component.xml",
   94     "ank/BBS/Protocol/component.xml",
   95 ):
   96     _data.append((os.path.join("lib", _name), _name, "DATA"))
   97 _data.append((os.path.join("lib", "peak", "peak.ini"),
   98     config.fileNearModule("peak", "peak.ini"), "DATA"))
  100 # build distribution tree
  101 coll = COLLECT(
  102     _sources,
  103     _data,
  104     _binaries,
  105     strip=0,
  106     upx=0,
  107     name=DIST_DIR
  108 )
  110 _support_path = os.path.join(DIST_DIR, "support")
  111 _lib_path = os.path.join(DIST_DIR, "lib")
  112 _support_path_len = len(_support_path)
  113 # move 'support' directory contents to 'lib'
  114 for (_path, _dirs, _files) in os.walk(_support_path, topdown=False):
  115     _newpath = _lib_path + _path[_support_path_len:]
  116     for _name in _files:
  117         os.rename(os.path.join(_path, _name), os.path.join(_newpath, _name))
  118     for _name in _dirs:
  119         os.rmdir(os.path.join(_path, _name))
  120 os.rmdir(_support_path)
  122 sys.path.insert(0, SPECPATH)
  123 import build_exe
  124 for _name in SCRIPTS:
  125     _basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_name))[0]
  126     _basename = os.path.join(DIST_DIR, _basename) + ".exe"
  127     build_exe.run(_basename, os.path.join("lib", _name))
  129 # vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 et :

-- alexander smishlajev - 07-dec-2003