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Differences between version dated 2007-11-01 18:28:31 and 2010-05-06 15:20:17 (spanning 2 versions)
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Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators for Python 2.3+
Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators, Metaclasses, and Related Tools
Want to use decorators, but still need to support Python 2.3? Wish you could
have class decorators, decorate arbitrary assignments, or match decorated
function signatures to their original functions? Then you need
"DecoratorTools". Some quick examples::
function signatures to their original functions? Want to get metaclass
features without creating metaclasses? How about synchronized methods?
"DecoratorTools" gets you all of this and more. Some quick examples::
    # Method decorator example
    from peak.util.decorators import decorate

For complete documentation, see the `DecoratorTools manual`_.
Changes since version 1.7:
  * The ``@template_function`` decorator now supports using a return value
    instead of a docstring, in order to work with the "-OO" option to Python;
    it's highly recommended that you update your template functions to use
    a return value instead of a docstring. (The error message has also been
    improved for the missing docstring case.)
  * Fixed metaclass collisions in ``classy`` subclasses that mix in abstract
    classes (e.g. ``collections.Sequence``) in Python 2.6+.
Changes since version 1.6:
  * Added ``synchronized`` decorator to support locking objects during method
Changes since version 1.5:
  * Added ``classy`` base class that allows you to do the most often-needed

        decorating __builtin__.Demo
The ``synchronized`` Decorator
When writing multithreaded programs, it's often useful to define certain
operations as being protected by a lock on an object. The ``synchronized``
decorator lets you do this by decorating object methods, e.g.::
    >>> from peak.util.decorators import synchronized
    >>> class TryingToBeThreadSafe(object):
    ... synchronized() # could be just ``@synchronized`` for 2.4+
    ... def method1(self, arg):
    ... print "in method 1"
    ... self.method2()
    ... print "back in method 1"
    ... return arg
    ... synchronized() # could be just ``@synchronized`` for 2.4+
    ... def method2(self):
    ... print "in method 2"
    ... return 42
    >>> TryingToBeThreadSafe().method1(99)
    in method 1
    in method 2
    back in method 1
What you can't tell from this example is that a ``__lock__`` attribute is being
acquired and released around each of those calls. Let's take a closer look::
    >>> class DemoLock:
    ... def __init__(self, name):
    ... = name
    ... def acquire(self):
    ... print "acquiring",
    ... def release(self):
    ... print "releasing",
    >>> ts = TryingToBeThreadSafe()
    >>> ts.__lock__ = DemoLock("lock 1")
    >>> ts.method2()
    acquiring lock 1
    in method 2
    releasing lock 1
    >>> ts.method1(27)
    acquiring lock 1
    in method 1
    acquiring lock 1
    in method 2
    releasing lock 1
    back in method 1
    releasing lock 1
As you can see, if an object already has a ``__lock__`` attribute, its
``acquire()`` and ``release()`` methods are called around the execution of the
wrapped method. (Note that this means the lock must be re-entrant: that is,
you must use a ``threading.RLock`` or something similar to it, if you
explicitly create your own ``__lock__`` attribute.)
If the object has no ``__lock__``, the decorator creates a ``threading.RLock``
and tries to add it to the object's ``__dict__``::
    >>> del ts.__lock__
    >>> ts.method1(27)
    in method 1
    in method 2
    back in method 1
    >>> ts.__lock__
    <_RLock(None, 0)>
(This means, by the way, that if you want to use synchronized methods on an
object with no ``__dict__``, you must explicitly include a ``__lock__`` slot
and initialize it yourself when the object is created.)
The ``struct()`` Decorator

    ... def decorator(func):
    ... [template_function()] # could also be @template_function in 2.4
    ... def before_and_after2(__func, __message):
    ... '''
    ... return '''
    ... print "before", __message
    ... try:
    ... return __func($args)

the generated function to be able to access (aside from builtins) must be
declared as arguments to the decorating function, and all arguments must be
named so as not to conflict with the names of any of the decorated function's
arguments. The docstring must either fit on one line, or begin with a newline
and have its contents indented by at least two spaces. The string ``$args``
may be used one or more times in the docstring, whenever calling the original
function. The first argument of the decorating function must always be the
original function.
The function template must return a static string that will be compiled into
a new function by DecoratorTools. The returned string must either fit on one
line, or begin with a newline and have its contents indented by at least two
spaces. The string ``$args`` may be used one or more times in the returned
string, whenever calling the original function. The first argument of the
decorating function must always be the original function.
Note, however, that function template is only called *once*, in order to get
this string, and it's called with dummy arguments. So the function must not
attempt to actually *use* any of its arguments, and must **always return a
static string**. Any attempt to insert the supplied arguments into the
template will result in an error::
    >>> def broken_decorator(func):
    ... [template_function()]
    ... def broken_template(__func, __message):
    ... # This doesn't work; don't do this:
    ... return '''
    ... print "before %(__message)s"
    ... try:
    ... return __func($args)
    ... finally:
    ... print "after %(__message)s"
    ... ''' % locals()
    ... return broken_template(func, "test")
    >>> broken_decorator(foo)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    RuntimeError: template functions must return a static string!
Debugging Generated Code

    ... def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
    ... print "new called with", args, kw
    ... return super(Demo, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
    ... return super(Demo, cls).__new__(cls)
    ... def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
    ... print "init called with", args, kw

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