
Note that this code is now included in PEAK, but the page is still useful as a template for adding support for new database drivers.

It is fairly straightforward to add [WWW]PyscoPG support to PEAK as an alternative to the default pgdb PostgreSQL module. This involves the following:

Luckily we can re-use the existing Postgres classes to do most of the work. Put the following code into

    1 from import GenericSQL_URL, PGSQLConnection
    3 class PsycopgURL(GenericSQL_URL):
    4     supportedSchemes = ('psycopg',)
    5     defaultFactory   = 'mymodule.PsycopgConnection'
    7 class PsycopgConnection(PGSQLConnection):
    8     DRIVER = 'psycopg'
   10     supportedTypes = (
   12         'DATETIME', 'TIME', 'DATE', 'INTERVAL', 'BINARY', 'ROWID'
   13     )

This takes care of the URL and Connection classes. Now for the URL scheme. Put the following in a file called my-peak.ini:

psycopg = "mymodule:PsycopgURL" 

Now you can test it using PEAK's Namespace Navigator like so:

env PEAK_CONFIG=./my-peak.ini PYTHONPATH=. peak n2 psycopg:user:pass@host/db 

Change user, pass, host, and db to appropriate values and you should get an environment which allows you to run ad-hoc SQL statements against your database.

Where you actually put the classes and configuration information is up to you. If you already have a site-specific library of Python code, the classes would naturally belong there. Likewise for the addition to peak.naming.schemes: a site-specific peak.ini file would be a good place for this.