Pages that were not edited since the begin of history (literally); it's a listing of the oldest entries in the editlog.

2002-12-12 [DELETED] ?HilfeZurInstallation  [16:26]   [DELETED] ?HilfeFürAnfänger  [16:27]   [DELETED] ?HilfeTemplate  [16:27]   [DELETED] ?MoinMoin/InstallationsAnleitung  [16:27]   [DELETED] ?HilfeZurInstallation/FehlerBehebung  [16:28]  
2002-12-13 [DELETED] ?ZufallsSeite  [14:02]   [DELETED] ?GesuchteSeiten  [14:03]   [DELETED] ?PythonLanguage  [14:03]   [DELETED] ?TitelIndex  [14:03]   [DELETED] ?WortIndex  [14:04]  
2003-02-27  GraphViz  [13:43]  
2003-10-25  DomainModelDesignPattern  [15:36]    Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture  [15:39]  
2003-12-07  DistributePeakApplications  [11:06]  
2004-02-21  TestDir/AFile.html  [19:16]  Phillip J. Eby  
2004-07-14  PeakFromBasics  [12:36]  
2005-01-06  UnitTrace  [22:02]  Phillip J. Eby Docs for peak.util.unittrace 
2005-07-29  WritingAdaptors  [17:25]  
2007-01-13 <img border="0" hspace="11" width="15" height="11" src="/wiki/img/moin-diff.gif" alt="[DIFF]"> HelpOnMacros  [17:08]  Phillip J. Eby Reduce CPU consumption by bots 
2009-03-18 [DELETED] ?HelpOnConfiguration/SenopTylike  [18:01] Upload of attachment 'flight-deals.txt'.  ]]>